Example sentences of "its [adj] [adj] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The company first emerged in the Second World War , supplying electrical components for the RAF , and much of its advanced scientific work for the Ministry of Defence in ‘ Electronic Systems ’ remained ( like that of very many Defence suppliers ) in the South , co-ordinated from national headquarters in Ilford ( Greater London ) .
2 It would be carrying out its broad statutory duty for the provision of education .
3 Having concentrated so far on administration and CIA involvement , Walsh declared that the final stages of his investigation would focus on other agencies which either collaborated in , or had detailed knowledge of , the Reagan administration 's secret arms sales to Iran or its covert resupply network for the contras .
4 Bringing in the superpowers , however , would force an unwilling Washington to confront the problems caused by its continuing non-military support for the contras .
5 Bringing in the superpowers , however , would force an unwilling Washington to confront the problems caused by its continuing non-military support for the contras .
6 The EC has made clear its continuing full support for the United Nations Secretary-General 's mission of good offices , which offers the best hope of progress towards a comprehensive , just and lasting solution to the intercommunal dispute .
7 She felt as fragile and foolish as a moth that beat itself against the hot glass of an electric bulb until it fell burned and spent , in its desperate doomed quest for the light .
8 Seymour Cray has been left holding the baby at his struggling Colorado Springs-based Cray Computer Corp : Neil Davenport has resigned as president and chief executive , saying that Cray Computer had reached the point where it has appropriate resources to complete the Cray-3 so he is free to seek other opportunities — but the company is still seeking its first firm customer for the supercomputer .
9 Just as the post-war economic depression set in , so it signalled its own personal tragedy for the Titford family : on 25 February 1816 , Ben the Outrider died , aged barely 29 .
10 A parameter entity is an SGML construct which may be thought of in simple terms as like a variable declaration in a programming language : the effect of using them here is that each base tag set can provide its own specific definition for the constituents of texts , which can , moreover be modified by the user .
11 IBM sells the Stratus machines as System/88 , but the new contract includes a cross-licensing agreement giving IBM and Stratus some rights to each other 's patents , suggesting that IBM may have designs on developing its own fault-tolerant Unix for the RS/6000 .
12 Inside their families , too , their roles are in a state of flux , with the past , the peasant past , the tribal past , the colonial past each with its own particular prescription for the woman 's role constantly intruding into the present .
13 King 's Park donned its best festive garb for the occasion and , self-indulgent though it appeared in the face of widespread township violence and the ANC 's call for a two-day national strike , white South Africa decided to take a break from its myriad woes .
14 York city council has published its new economic programme for the forthcoming year , outlining its efforts to attract jobs to the area .
15 When the BMJ , in its special commemorative number for the Queen 's Diamond Jubilee in 1897 , reviewed the development of the profession over the previous sixty years it was this aspect that it chose to trumpet .
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