Example sentences of "its [noun] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Stephen thought it a curious place to leave one 's car , blocking , or partly blocking , the northbound roadway , while taking it a farther ten yards on would have enabled its driver to pull in onto the bridlepath that traversed the Vale as far as the Reeve 's way .
2 News of its existence leaked out following the murder in July 1989 of Aurelio Sichel , a wealthy restaurateur with close links to the CNI .
3 The main opposition party , the right-wing Community party ( Atassut ) , lost three seats , leaving it with eight , as some of its support went over to the Centre Party , which entered the legislature for the first time with two seats .
4 There is good evidence that a flourishing trade in false antiquities existed at the turn of the century , and its products filtered through to the United States and Europe .
5 A diet which is bizarre or extreme may bring about weight loss if strictly adhered to but , as the brain draws on its reserves to make up for the deficiency in vital nutrients , the dieter is likely to become edgy , easily upset and to experience difficulty in making decisions .
6 To help its clients keep up with the seemingly exponential growth of market data , Yamaichi Securities Co. , Ltd. has created the world 's first integrated information system focused exclusively on the financial sector .
7 Inside , the five-aisled church is immensely tall , its piers extending up to the complicated stellar and geometric ribbed vaults of nave and choir .
8 When Rosalind and Philip first moved in , it was in a pretty parlous condition , with , amongst other nightmares , an elder tree with its roots in the great hall and its branches spreading in through the windows .
9 The winning team is the one which has all its frogs lined up at the other end of the room .
10 It swims , with its legs tucked out of the way alongside its flanks , by sinuous movements of its body and by beating its tail .
11 Its origins go back to the rediscovery of perspective in the Renaissance , and then to the architect 's drawings of the eighteenth century .
12 The consolidated financial statements include those of the Company and all its subsidiaries made up to the end of the financial year .
13 Its window blew out as the jet , packed with holidaymakers , was heading to Malaga in Spain .
14 The Court dismissed these claims on the ground that the right of individuals to become claimants in international law is recognised only when approved by specific treaty , and that in the Peace Treaty Japan had waived all claims of Japan or its nationals arising out of the war .
15 Its basis followed on from the Plowden Committee 's recommendation ( Cmnd. 1432 , 1961 ) that : ‘ Regular surveys should be made of public expenditure as a whole , over a period of years ahead , and in relation to prospective resources ; decisions involving substantial future expenditure should be taken in light of these surveys . ’
16 A pull on the line , and the bag is out of the hole , its contents spilled out into the road .
17 This new dialectical relationship between spectator and screen image led some critics and film-makers to make large claims for the avant-garde film as inherently more progressive and political , because of its self-reflexiveness and because of its refusal to give in to the tendency of mainstream film to construct an ‘ imaginary identity ’ .
18 Bourgeois literature was unequivocally condemned on three counts : first , for its failure to voice opposition to the First World War , a failure in other words to disclose the true reality of the war as an imperialist struggle ; secondly , for its refusal to offer an accurate depiction of the Soviet revolution , a failure explained as the cowardly refusal of the bourgeois writer to disclose the deepening crisis of capitalism after 1929 , a crisis highlighted by the success of the five year plan in the Soviet Union ; finally , for its refusal to face up to the growing threat of fascism .
19 After losing most of its wartime recruits back to the universities and the law , the Service was determined to maintain its new influence , in Whitehall if not the world .
20 Its legend goes back to the book of Genesis .
21 Its accountants sit down with the auditor for a day of conjuring tricks and , hey presto , £15m gets lost in a cloud of smoke , leaving a mere £7m to find .
22 There was a flurry of constitutional activity between 1906 and 1914 , and the House of Lords had its powers cut back by the Parliament Act , 1911 , so formally putting the " balanced " constitution to rest .
23 This ice cream boasts American parentage , though its ancestry goes back to the exotic sherbets which were made in the Arab kingdoms of Granada and Cordoba in Spain .
24 Henry Kissinger recognized that Romanian co-operation could be useful to the United States in its efforts to get out of the Vietnam War and to open up relations with Mao 's China .
25 The mailed hand in his kept hold firmly enough to draw him down to his knees as its owner sank back into the turf .
26 If we return to the example of our widget-making factory after the introduction of the new production process , with half its workforce put on to the labour market ( or , putting it more bluntly , sacked ) , then many of them are likely to be eligible for unemployment benefit .
27 While Mexico 's political weakness was excused and its economy helped out by the US , Brazil 's relationship with Washington steadily deteriorated and its policies came under American attack .
28 The heads of all three of its occupants whipped round to the large screen , where a buzzing black shape hovered expectantly .
29 The ILP certainly broke up , but most of its members went back into the Labour Party .
30 So Molly stood in the kitchen , the centre of the house , with its door opening on to the terrace , where now , for certain , no one stood watching her .
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