Example sentences of "its [noun] [verb] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The prototype APT will resume its trial runs from London to Glasgow ‘ in the near future ’ .
2 Since sexuality is so deeply inbuilt in us , it is there from the beginning and only its manifestations change from infancy to old age .
3 Crookes ' biographer Fournier d'Albe worked and wrote on this , which had baffled various investigators because its resistance changed under exposure to light-but inconsistently if there is impurity .
4 FOREIGN & Colonial Pacific Investment Trust reduced its equity weighting in Japan to its lowest level ever and avoided bank and insurance shares altogether to lift its net assets from £188m to £238m last year .
5 Its range extends from bass to alto but it is most happy in the tenor register , where it is effective in sustaining or filling in the harmony .
6 Called the Autoglide , the opener has had its price cut by £100 to £346 ( including VAT ) just a few months after its launch , making is even better value for money .
7 Again the ball of flame rolled out but this time , as the dragon 's neck muscles contracted , its colour faded from orange to yellow , from yellow to white , and finally to the faintest of blues .
8 She had lain in her child 's bed and become aware of the reality of her heart for the first time as its beat quickened in response to the sparrow 's wild meanderings .
9 In 1986 its profits plunged from $4bn to $2.9bn — largely as a result of a $1.3bn restructuring programme .
10 In 1969 the BBC used digital sound for distributing its television soundtracks from London to the regions within the synchronization pulses of the television picture .
11 This cash financed a buying spree that has turned Televisa into the world 's biggest Spanish-language media group : its reach extends from Connecticut to Chile .
12 He could see the dog bounding towards him , its fangs bared , its tail flashing from side to side .
13 There are a number of obvious problems with the application of this rule , since its interpretation varies from person to person .
14 ( 7 ) If the Panel 's decision touches on some novel or important issue it will often publish its findings to serve as guidance to third parties .
15 As an encore , water miraculously expands , just on the point of freezing ; in fact , as its temperature falls from 4°C to 0°C it expands by 10 per cent .
17 The vast curling crest of the hurricane reared over them , and its face stretched from horizon to horizon .
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