Example sentences of "some of [art] [adj] [noun pl] i " in BNC.

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1 He says ; They are some of the best times I have ever had .
2 Paddy Murphy and Jimmy Keenan both looked good on the sand but unfortunately an interesting choice of footwear ( none at all ! ) led to Dugdale 's retirement with some of the best blisters I 've even seen !
3 That 's right yes , yeah that bit that was just like what they call a swan neck , just like the swan and that was like that and so it kept me at load level , they were built by and some of the best cranes I 've ever known on the dock .
4 In his first letter from there he makes a significant little admission to Theo , and encloses a sketch : ‘ I should like to begin making hasty sketches of some of the many things I meet … but as it would probably keep me from my real work it is better not to start . ’
5 ‘ It 's very flattering for me that in America people go to the Irish Tourist Board and say they 'd like to go to Mountfern or some of the other villages I 've written about .
6 ‘ Talking about work , as we were just a moment ago … perhaps you would n't mind explaining to me why you want to reject some of the new designs I 've just shown you ? ’
7 Thus , in some of my own research into theatre audiences , at a time when virtually nothing was known about who goes to the theatre , some of the first surveys I carried out were concerned with eliciting data on people 's age , education , social class , who they went with , how they heard about the play , and so on .
8 And I believe them to be the some of the nicest maps I 've ever seen .
9 If you are using a thicker yarn , particularly a fancy one , then some of the nicest fabrics I 've seen were ones where you 'd hardly suspect the presence of a punchcard .
10 Start by playing these combinations with one note then apply some of the melodic permutations I gave you in part 1 of this series .
11 I did n't anticipate spending days mucking out some of the dirtiest piggeries I had ever seen .
12 Just look at some of the thought-provoking policies I have introduced this season .
13 Some of the worst designs I have seen are by architects for themselves . ’
14 Some of the exciting things I could do without .
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