Example sentences of "some of [pron] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nor was it only their tenants who were resentful , but they also had to face envious glances at their lands from the laity , some of whom at any rate seem to have considered them suitable prey .
2 Emus wandered over the open country hooting their hollow cries ; and troops of kangaroos , some of them of gigantic size , grazed peacefully in their primitive pastures .
3 The friction which has always existed between the two camps was made worse in the early 1970s when a number of colleges of art , some of them of considerable distinction , were swallowed up by polytechnics .
4 It makes fifty stops en route , some of them of considerable duration , and , as has been shown , much time must be wasted at stations .
5 It is , however , due to the large number of copies which the Romans had made of Greek masterpieces , some of them of high quality , that we owe our wide knowledge of such work today .
6 More than seven thousand have gone on to become officers , some of them of high rank .
7 Rain had met some of them on previous occasions .
8 We will discuss some of them at various points in this book .
9 The meeting of the Central Committee lasted two long days , during which eighty-eight delegates spoke , some of them at great length .
10 She would be almost glad when they were gone — some of them at any rate .
11 The research is based on the assumption that most of the contemporary ideas on this crucial topic date back to the 19th century , and that some of them at any rate are by now dated .
12 If you talk to people in the street the majority of people who have young children are certainly saying we need day care , we need opportunities for ourselves erm and are quite prepared , some of them at any rate , to go and say that to their local councillors and to write to their M Ps .
13 More liberal constituencies in the party , some of them with close links to Hillary Rodham Clinton , the president 's wife , then spent the last half of 1992 making sure that their claims on the presidency were not forgotten .
14 He made some of them with solid necks for playing slack-key instead of slide — there were a number of different models .
15 It is thus quite clear that whatever he said about Shakespeare 's plays , Tolkien read some of them with keen attention : most of all , Macbeth .
16 But this week 's guerrillas numbered more than 1,000 , some of them with heavy weapons .
17 About three quarters of the contestants at each board are graded as suitable for the candidates ' list , some of them with recommended restrictions ( the Indian doctor was reckoned ‘ suitable for consideration for an ethnic seat ’ ) .
18 Here he met the most notable trade unionists of the area , some of them with national reputations .
19 As to the much discussed pearwood wall panels , Italo Rota explains : ‘ We were looking for a simple idea that would allow visitors who had already looked at a good many paintings to connect some of them with unfamiliar settings ; the art of memory tells us that it is easier to retain images in one 's head if one can link them to a specific space ’ .
20 What makes it appropriate right now to recognise the great promise of the Orbital engine is Ford 's bold decision to manufacture 60 prototype two-stroke Fiestas and lend some of them to high-mileage users .
21 The lenders of the Consumer Credit Association , also formed in 1975 , were aware of the reputation of some of them for irresponsible lending .
22 The closures are mainly smaller , less profitable branches or those with overlapping parishes : 150 full-time and 93 part-time staff will lose their jobs , some of them through voluntary redundancy and early retirement .
23 The dominant approach to behaviour problems in schools is based on identifying and categorizing individual pupils with a view to removing some of them from mainstream schools .
24 Some of the poems in the present book , only his second , are so old that I seem to remember some of them from another world .
25 She tells him about the street she was brought up in , its granular asphalt pavement ridged with long wavering bulges where they had been dug up to get at the gas and water mains , and overhung by waterfalls of laburnum , with front gardens marked off by low walls , some of them in crenellated brickwork , some in pebble-dash with decorative chains dipping above them that you could set swinging , one after another , as you walked by .
26 The young men were turned out and the girls looked very pretty , some of them in microscopic skirts !
27 In reviewing some of them in this book , it has been found that several complicating features arise , beside the straightforward failings of human beings wishing to pigeon-hole phenomena or experiences into neat categories : ‘ strategies ’ or ‘ syndromes ’ with classical-sounding names .
28 Elsewhere in Colombia , the stations are like Spanish houses , some of them in wild colour schemes , like the bilious green and pink of Zipaquiva .
29 It was a unique experience to rummage the various weird oil-related craft , construction barges , pipe-laying barges , drilling rigs etc. , some of them like small townships afloat with huge crews made up of separate groups such as divers , riggers , welders , roustabouts and supervisors .
30 He took me out last Sunday and I said as we were driving over to Lavenham , I said an early would be much appreciated , I said I cooked the Sunday Lunch for my lodgers , but I have n't , in fact , had any myself he said you 've got to have a high tea , he said you must have a proper meal and he ordered up salad and a a ham salad and have this and have that and have the other , where as some of them like this chap Gerald who was erm sent me by one of the other agencies the first time we went out he took me to a meal and he obviously felt that quite enough , after that he used to come out to see me after he 'd had his meal meanness , hanging onto money !
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