Example sentences of "when [pers pn] had [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had seen it when I had taken a detour from Arequipa into the Colca , reputedly twice as deep as the Grand Canyon .
2 A very cloak and dagger episode followed when I had to meet a colleague on shore after landing on a remote beach by motor boat .
3 When you had obtained a divorce a mensa et toro , you would have had to appear by counsel before the House of Lords for a divorce a vinculo matrimonii .
4 When she had to set a plate before him she could smell pomade on his hair , and her gaze was drawn to the long , clever hands which had once touched her body so intimately and unprofessionally .
5 And when she had seen a man 's shape she had thought for one wild moment that Mervyn or even John had called with flowers .
6 She scrabbled around on the floor of the dispenser , frantically trying to find something edible , anything that she had overlooked when she had cleared a space for herself ; but it was useless .
7 When she had become a teenager however , she had more time alone , and when she was alone it was so much harder to remember .
8 ‘ Collier gave her the necessary sum , and when she had received a receipt of payment from the agent , he duly robbed the agent of the money …
9 When she had acquired a range of basic editing skills she started looking round for what to do with them .
10 It was only in the beginning , when we needed money badly , when we had to spend a lot on the house . ’
11 When they had eaten a couple of mouthfuls they started to open their mail .
12 In addition to the squalor , residents suffered from prejudice when they had to give a Springtown address .
13 In December 1947 , for example , when they had agreed a memorandum on Area Board organisation , Randall , the London Board chairman , insisted that it should be a purely advisory document not binding on the areas ; and some degree of variation in local organisation did in fact emerge .
14 He remembered the occasion when they had paid a visit to St Whatever-it-was on Magdalen bridge in Oxford .
15 The next day or the day after perhaps , when they had talked a lot about the commune project , Mary had come up with Bella 's name .
16 Occasionally , Mr Landor would accuse her of stealing from him when he had mislaid a silver spoon or could not find a precious paperknife , but she had always treated these accusations with the contempt they deserved .
17 So he spent long days and evenings at Meadowbanks , working ( when he had done a stint of transcription ) on the manuscript which was destined to be the Walter Machin volume in the Payne 's Great Authors series of monographs .
18 A row had followed : he had been returning home when he had heard a noise .
19 Yes , and then my father , when he had recovered a bit , he came to live with Grandma .
20 When he had drawn a furrow that everybody could see was one of the best — even before the stickers put the sticks on it — they say :
21 When he had rolled a bundle together he began to take down the tent , grabbing at the guy ropes .
22 Later , when he had evolved a sign language of his own , he would cross his thumbs and flap his hands : this meant ‘ chicken ’ or ‘ food ’ ( The Observer , 30 August 1978 ) .
23 He had felt the power of his position when he had taken a bottle to the room of any major and propositioned for information on the talk in the mess when he , the KGB 's ears , was not present .
24 Once when he had to play a matinée at the Old Vic , for instance , in Hamlet , scarcely offstage for a moment , there was a Welsh International match .
25 Then Mr Sayers died prematurely when John was only about fifteen , so he was still just a boy when he had to become a man overnight , so to speak , and try and take on the running of this large and rather complicated farm .
26 Now , when he had found a pot of honey , Corbett was hurrying him away .
27 Jim still carries the scars of his Carry Ons — he fell off the camel he was supposed to be riding and his left arm was badly broken during the making of Doctor , when he had to ride a hospital trolley down a flight of stairs , through a plate-glass window and on to a table .
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