Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When I reach out to the big mug of coffee on the table , it is cold , and I wonder how long I 've been asleep .
2 The night is cold when I get out of the car .
3 When I got out of the shop I felt angry with myself , and a little alarmed .
4 When I got out of the spaceship , I was n't afraid of anybody .
5 When I got out of the ditch I felt very shocked , and unable to believe that he had missed me .
6 When I got out on the street , I would just keep going .
7 When I got out into the corridor I saw that a piece of wire had been strung between two beams on either side of the block and that a sort of ladder was leaning against it .
8 When I walk out of the house and through the square on my way to a final peaceful meditation at my favourite bay view in trigo cebada , the young man from last night comes out of a doorway with a large cassette in his arms .
9 ‘ You 're saying then that when I walk out of the church I 'm on my own . ’
10 When I come out of the , I 'd a th thing I never told you which you should have known , when I come out of the war there were , we was only getting twenty seven and tanner a week in the stables .
11 When I come out of the , I 'd a th thing I never told you which you should have known , when I come out of the war there were , we was only getting twenty seven and tanner a week in the stables .
12 When I come out into the light at the end , I look for the white van .
13 When I go out to the shops — you know , to get stuff like milk or fags for Marie or summat — I always stop a bit and watch them .
14 This is the what mummy usually has when I go out with the meal at work .
15 I shut Ben in the conservatory now when I go out through the week , we just put him in the garage when we go out the weekend
16 For all this however , he has an iron nerve and told me , ‘ I have never been scared but when I go out for the National I get a tingling sensation .
17 And when I slam out of the hotel to face Darius in the street , I have Rachel right beside me .
18 When I came out of the water , they all had tears in their eyes .
19 When I came out of the service I bought a Fender , but I just could n't hold on to it ; it was too small and the weight was wrong .
20 When I came out of the cave I was so exhilarated I felt drunk .
21 in the top flat , they , they were rehoused in a flat in a block of mansion flats and when I came out of the army this was the accommodation I found available , er for me and I objected strongly and after a great deal of fuss erm the Islington Borough Council 's Housing Department found us rooms on the first floor in a Victoria Victorian villa in Penventon Gardens , which erm , were comfortable
22 " When I came out of the office I think I said something casually about old Mr. Lorrimer not having to go into hospital after all .
23 I 'm sure that when I came out of the room I was staggering , and instinctively I pawed at my mouth .
24 When I came out of the Air Force I did articles and pieces for various magazines as well as reviews for newspapers , including the Yorkshire Gazette and Herald and the Northern Echo .
25 When I came out with the next platitude ( ‘ How are you ? ’ ) they lifted and turned towards me .
26 When I went out into the street ,
27 And the very erm she was very anxious to come with me when I went out into the park .
28 It 's against the system in Continental Europe , it 's against the system I saw in the occupied West Bank when I went out with the police last year and what I saw in South Africa a fortnight ago when I went out w with the police there i i i into the shanty towns and so on .
29 He told me to buy him cigarettes and stamps when I went out to the shops .
30 It was quite funny yesterday , because , he , when I went out in the garden there was a football nestling in the rose bushes , I heaved it back over the fence , thirty seconds later the two boys came roaring out of the house , and about thirty seconds after that
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