Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When I get this office sorted out I will have four or five sets in here , all of them on different channels , ’ he laughs .
2 I had just checked into the hotel and come down to the sunken terrace when I saw armed men running in a crouched position by the swimming pool .
3 I 've just realized I have n't either , when I saw that woman crossing the road I thought it was her .
4 When I saw that woman crossing the road , I thought it was here .
5 Yet for all this , more co-ordinated machinery still has to emerge and I confess to experiencing a certain sour taste of insincerity when I hear educational leaders talking about promoting a relevant and dynamic curriculum for primary schools , yet notice that they are hastening most slowly in providing the assessment policy needed to enable this to happen .
6 Sounds said it , ‘ lacked that vital emotional jackboot , ’ Melody Maker had the sprawling 13-word judgement : ‘ Reasonable is the last thing I feel when I hear this shambling mess , ’ and even NME took off the gloves with : ‘ David Gedge 's approach is as suitable as yellow and red check boxer shorts : piss stained . ’
7 When I hear Tory Members speaking about the health service , in Trafford or anywhere else , I am bound to come to the conclusion that they are after family jobs .
8 I literally jumped for joy when I heard that key turn in the lock and saw Mum and Mrs Taylor enter with another woman .
9 It was a warm , spring morning and I was lying in the garden , reflecting on life in general and taking it easy , when I heard this music coming from the top-floor flat where the windows were all open — and there was somebody singing .
10 When I said that spike went up his trouser leg and shouted and up and at them !
11 Planning for the fateful flight started several weeks earlier when I made tentative arrangements to visit a microlight manufacturer at Membury airfield in Berkshire for the review of the Chevron which appears in this issue .
12 I 'll tell you this ; every term when I watch that school train go out I feel as if it 's taking two-thirds of me with it . ’
13 When I spoke great tears fell from the eyes of the grey hound , more and more , heavier and heavier .
14 ‘ Last monsoon when I needed some musk to rub on a snake-bite , I did n't have to look far .
15 When I see other children going to school I feel so depressed and disturbed , my girl is indoors all day .
16 I start edging round the table when I see little Darius gleaming in the doorway .
17 So I was looking around the Beckenham and Bromley area when I found this place called Haddon Hall which was an amazing property .
18 ‘ Comment : When you make other people laugh , you defend yourself against them taking you too seriously .
19 ‘ It 's just that when you get two things happening like that , people say there 's going to be three , do n't they ?
20 When you reach some steps turn left and take the path to the beach .
21 When you hear some figure referred to as the federal deficit , that is after this convenient bit of jiggery-pokery .
22 You loathed it when you saw other people behaving like this and yet you could no more control it in yourself than you could any other automatic physical reflex .
23 When you want other people to do things for you , then style should be polite and you may need to persuade them to co-operate .
24 You let me make love to you fiercely , you have given yourself to me when you have good cause to hate men ! ’
25 When you have one wheel stuck in bent tramlines while the other is banging through mud-filled , cobble-strewn potholes the size of small mineshafts , it sharpens up your steering technique no end .
26 Doing them altogether , I find difficult to do , apart from the weather point of view , if it could be fitted to two maybe , you know you co you go to somewhere in Church Stretton okay , it 's distant enough when you have one place to go , when you do the Wellington section , you 've got four , and I find it very difficult to work and chase round to children 's homes , to give it any .
27 When you have that calendar sent you , it 's a lot of money now .
28 I think that does give such programmes genuine mass appeal when you have ordinary people talking about their gardens — not huge grand gardens , quite often the kind of suburban gardens that a large number of the audience are familiar with .
29 Why do you pick up the evening paper and linger over tales of local gossip or distress when you have important tasks to carry out ?
30 I suppose that is what happens when you have different personalities involved . ’
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