Example sentences of "when [pron] get [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But when I get to the other side I ca n't get onto the platform cos of this other gate .
2 He seemed disappointed and I soon saw why when I got into the main hall .
3 When I got to the first rehearsal she announced , ‘ You 're all going to be in the Command Performance . ’
4 But I was okay when I got to the first tee . ’
5 I can not say that my school days were particularly happy ones and I was not sorry to leave when I got to the official leaving age , which was fourteen in those days .
6 And what we used to do to begin with the canal used to dip in the middle , you know there was bike wheels and dead cats and everything in it , and it used to dip and , and there was a sludge and , and the barges used to go up and down with a horse pulling them , and in the middle there was a , so you could n't bottom it in the middle , so when I learnt to swim I used to dive off this ledge and go under the water so far and I , I could reach the bottom when I got to the other side .
7 Certainly when you get into the detailed budget , then these are clearly separated .
8 When you get to the small conglomeration of villages called , variously , Lecumberry , Men dive and Béhorléguy , you make half-left for the Col d'Aphanize and beyond it Ahusquy .
9 French is weird when you get to the highest
10 Now upstairs there are people working , so when you get to the far end we ask you do n't go straight upstairs , if you can wait please and we 'll we 'll we 'll all you 'll all go up in the room together , .
11 But what will you do when you get to the far shore ? ’
12 I remember my father giving me specific advice on just how he climbed the crux section of the corner crack above ; ‘ When you get to the steep bit — you 'll know it when you get there — just face right and use the square cut holds on the edge .
13 Then , ironically , when you get to the 1980s , when painting flourished , there are only two painters — Schnabel and Basquiat .
14 For instance , if I had written six songs , one on each record , that used the Not Of This Earth technique of one bass note , three chords , pitch axis , it would be quite boring at a concert when you get to the fourth one .
15 Mr Smith 's warning coincided with a call by Ken Livingstone , the Labour MP for Brent East , who said on London Weekend Television 's The Walden Interview : ‘ You can be miles ahead in the polls , but when you get to the last three weeks , people think , ‘ Can I afford a Labour government ? ’
16 Not that this will matter when you get to the closing track ‘ Under The Sky , Inside The Sea ’ which belies its Walter Softy title by being quite stunning .
17 Now , the fact of a past service raises an implication that at the time it was rendered it was to be paid for , and , if it was a service which was to be paid for , when you get in the subsequent document a promise to pay , that promise may be treated either as an admission which evidences or as a positive bargain which fixes the amount of that reasonable remuneration on the faith of which the service was originally rendered .
18 When she got to the first landing , her mother 's bedroom door suddenly flew open and her mother burst out .
19 The first thing Carlie did when she got to the foster home was pull the plastic footrest up close to the TV : ‘ Do n't talk to me when ‘ Young and Restless ’ is on , ’ she warned the foster mother who was standing behind her .
20 I mean I do n't know whether she thought she could put them in the garden when she got to the new place and they 'd grow but
21 When she got to the large graph that shows the state of the church-roof appeal , she stopped and looked down at the waiting crowds as if she was a victorious politician looking down on her compliant voters .
22 She had recently been knitting double jacquard , but when she got to the very top of a sleeve , she had a little disaster and dropped the lot !
23 When she got to the little clearing she halted , seeing Léonie there on her knees , looking up at the outcrop of rock .
24 Only when we get to the seventh paragraph of the story do we hear Benn 's statement to the court , which claims that the PC said : ‘ You black bastard , this will teach you to mess about with the police . ’
25 So that when we get to the mock interview stage , no , no one can actually back out , no one can pretend that they were just sent by their council .
26 but erm , we 'll , we 'll spend start the whole questions again when we get to the next one
27 ‘ Then when we get into the First Division and do n't need Aussie players , the English guys will bring other English mates and the crowd problem is solved . ’
28 There are high concentrations in the top fifteen inches , but when we get below the next layer , the concentrations become very much less and the ratio of the two concentrations does n't change very much .
29 My nerves were really jangling when we got to the 17th , the Road Hole .
30 When we got to the 17th , the last par-5 , he hit his third shot about three feet behind the pin , but he turned to me and said , ‘ You know , Pete , I 'm so damned nervous I ca n't see the hole .
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