Example sentences of "when [pron] be [vb pp] for the " in BNC.

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1 Can I say that , when I was interviewed for the job of er , Director , or I was asked along with other applicants , to put forward a er paper presenting my issues and concerns , and I can say to you , equal opportunities was a key one there .
2 There was the proliferative retinopathy episode a few weeks ago , and when she was hospitalised for the threatened toxaemia we found that her blood glucose was actually better controlled at home now than in hospital …
3 No more than 14 when she pocketed the Scottish Girls ' title and the Scottish Girls ' Under-22 Stroke-Play Championship for a first time , Jane became the youngest ever to play for Great Britain and Ireland in the Curtis Cup when she was chosen for the 1980 match at St. Pierre .
4 The company also said that Mrs Hampton should have told them about her illness when she was interviewed for the job .
5 A few yards on and she saw there was no answering wave and she faltered , uncertain if this was Ferdinando or some other lone horseman before whom she would make a fool of herself , but the closer he came the more sure she was that this was her husband and then she chided herself for thinking he had hands free to wave when one was needed for the reins and the other to hold the child .
6 But later in life Augustine declared : ‘ He therefore who refuses to obey the imperial laws , when made against the truth of God acquires a great reward , he who refuses to obey when they are made for the support of the divine truth exposes himself to most grievous punishment . ’
7 Naturally most of the boys opted for ‘ the strip ’ and each time the innuendo was made the girls pretended it was terribly witty and original , If a little naughty , just as they did when they were asked for the twentieth time if perhaps they might be the prize .
8 But the British authorities were unable to protect the Littlejohns when they were arrested for the robbery of £67,000 from a bank in Grafton Street , Dublin , in 1972 .
9 This is so unexpected when it is encountered for the first time that it feels like a deliberate deception .
10 It was built er It has to be It had to be very well built and firm , because then , when it was used for the cow for the er sheep , usually , that best hay was left for the sheep .
11 Fair-haired , but perhaps somewhat slight of build for the rigours of the lower reaches of the Football League , Bernard was certainly a fast and cagey winger , and his talent was recognised when he was selected for the 3rd Division South representative side against the 3rd Division North , in the fifth and final match between them at Selhurst Park on 30 October 1957 .
12 The money was recovered when he was arrested for the murder of police informer Alan ’ Chalky ’ White .
13 The next upset came when he was chosen for the 1948–9 tour of India but asked , as a professional , to be paid £250 ; the WICBC refused , Worrell declined to back down , and he did not go .
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