Example sentences of "when [pron] [vb past] [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was bathing you , and I fetched a clean nappy , and when I unfolded it the letter dropped out , and we read it . ’
2 When I assured her no harm had been done , she said :
3 When I brought him the food he pushed it away and suddenly burst into tears all over again .
4 They were very pleased when I told them the outcome of my night on the tiles and Otley sat next to me on the sofa with his arm round my shoulders .
5 ‘ E did n't 'alf spit when I told 'im no luck .
6 Once , when I told her a lie about what I was doing , in order to evade hostile questioning , she said , severely , ‘ You 're growing too like your father . ’
7 But Miss Blagden , whom I met by chance yesterday , is going to Rome and when I told her the absurdity of your request she volunteered to carry your ridiculous weapon saying she had always had a fancy to be a gun-runner and that it would be a tale to tell her friends and astonish them .
8 That 's life , on Vadinamia , as I said to Mala when I told her the news .
9 For those who are wondering why I have this set-up , the three were introduced at a small size when I thought them a male and two females ; and I am unwilling to upset a settled pair by unnecessarily removing the decor and setting two with a net !
10 When I asked him a question he 'd say , ‘ The answer to that is — in fact the several answers to that are …
11 Personally , when I counted myself a Christian , I had no interest in finding female figures or ‘ feminine ’ motifs within the religion .
12 Yeah , but when I took her the toilet she wanted to go toilet
13 I was just silently congratulating myself on tumbling her secret at last when I realized who the man in the photograph was .
14 It was about five inches long when I bought it a month ago , and now it is approaching 10 inches .
15 But she added : ‘ The people at work think I 'm insane and when I showed them the video of the bungee jump it just confirmed their opinion that I 'm a lunatic . ’
16 Even the Arabs in the Ministry of Health office in the hospital had n't really been briefed , and the poor man who was given the job of meeting our needs nearly had a heart attack when I showed him a copy of the list I had sent out to his head office weeks ago .
17 And when I showed him a list of names I had collected ( why , I do not know , I had some notion of an appeal or inquiry ) , he read : ‘ Lynch , Connally , Egan , Kelly … etc. ’ and then he looked at me and added , ‘ I was looking at the lists of those who died in the recent great victories of general Gough at Aliwal and Sobraon in India .
18 If my deception worked , she 'd still think she was attached to the creance and fly straight to me as usual when I showed her the chick .
19 This made for a softer , more innocent and ingenuous ‘ Dora ’ , but perhaps what was needed was a slightly sharper , more bristly Dora with a hidden vulnerability , which came more naturally when I gave her a North London accent …
20 When I gave them a grenade they had n't found , I got another kick .
21 and when I gave them a questionnaire saying how would you label someone as gay they said , we never make those kind of assumptions .
22 He 's trying to make out that I gave it to him when I gave him a spoonful of that … stuff …
23 The reason I called James Hunt ‘ Master James ’ , a sobriquet which his sponsors , Texaco , took up and plastered ( without payment ! ) on billboards all over the country , was that he appeared to be exactly that , -a rather well-brought-up young man , properly educated , well-mannered ( when I gave him the name , though not in some of his more flamboyant later incarnations ! ) and thoroughly at home in the establishment circles in which he moved .
24 Roger Davis fell in love with photography when his gave him a box camera nearly 50 years ago .
25 This made me uneasy , and I was glad when someone gave me a glass of white wine .
26 When you saw what a disaster you had caused , you could of started again and taken some time , oh sorry I forgot that 's not godlike , you probably did n't want to know or is it that you enjoy what you made , a sort of entertainment , better than Home and Away , watching wars and diseases and things .
27 Were n't you , you were really quite horrified when you saw what the excavator
28 Though there is a good deal there which I found deeply offensive , he wrote , as you must have realized when you sent me the stuff , though , knowing you as I do , I suspect it may not even have crossed your mind , anyway , to be brief , I have , of course , put my feelings to one side and decided to honour the integrity of .
29 " When you did me the honour of appointing me to the Mastership of Stockport School I was led to suppose that the Income , inclusive of Ten Pounds paid by your Worshipful Company , amounted to nearly Three Hundred Pounds per annum , and from an Enquiry , however , during my Residence here , I have had the Mortification to find that the whole Salary was not more than £25 10 10½d , so that it was impossible for me to remain in the Situation without a Prospect of Church Preferment in the Neighbourhood , which I have no reason to hope for .
30 ‘ I really prefer the idea of an older man or even a bedridden man — even a person totally incapacitated — because at least when you bought him a watch you 'd know you 'd be wearing it in a week or two yourself .
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