Example sentences of "when [pron] [was/were] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 When I was shown into the room I despaired .
2 When I was ushered into the presence , I did stand on the mat .
3 At each turn of the zigzag , the wheelbarrow toppled , and when I was tacking into the wind , grit , picked up by the wheel was blown into my eyes and mouth .
4 The £2.3m Pallister said : ‘ When I was going into the dressing rooms before the game I almost walked into the home one .
5 When I have been entertaining Shirley and Terry Jones doing an evening meal on a Saturday or a Sunday and sometimes both to help Shirley when she was getting into the run of going back to work I found that one of the cheapest of dinner party deserts was lemon meringue pie .
6 Police said she had suffered a terrible blow to the back of her head but was still alive when she was tossed into the water .
7 When she was called into the General 's office in the rebuilt International Headquarters in Queen Victoria Street only a couple of hundred yards from St Paul 's Cathedral she had no premonition that further moves were afoot .
8 People used to tell their dreams , lurid ones , sexy ones , when we were crammed into the locker-rooms during wet breaks .
9 When we were shown into the chargé 's office , I studiously avoided shaking hands or having any eye contact , determined to alert him to the fact that I understood and respected their religious customs , in the hope that it might make a difference .
10 They were heavier and more noisy than wood — and quite hard on the tummy when they were pushed into the ground .
11 The investments were extremely profitable , however , and the companies were among the most successful in the country when they were nationalized into the NCB in 1947 .
12 Although serfs became free only when they were recruited into the regular army , not when they enrolled in a militia , in the mid-1850s they chose to believe otherwise .
13 Given the wide range in dates represented by the fragments ; the fact that no two have yet been found to fit together and vary considerably in size ; and the lack of any signs of wreckage ; the current hypothesis is that the statues were already broken when they were loaded into the transport ship to be taken for re-use elsewhere .
14 And when they were come into the house , they saw the young child with Mary his mother , and fell down and worshipped him ; and when they had opened their treasures , they presented unto him gifts : gold and frankincense and myrrh .
15 And they were given this when they were brought into the surgery by the receptionist .
16 It still retained the same dark blue colour that it had when it was stamped into the passport by a British policeman 32 years earlier ; last exit from Palestine .
17 ‘ I joined the club when it was going into the Vauxhall Conference and people were saying it was going under .
18 Shortly after Frank 's release our belief that there was another hostage in the apartment was borne out when he was moved into the room next door where Frank had spent his last day .
19 He was just beginning to worry about his fuel situation when he was called into the searchlight area , only to be fired on by A.A. He advised Control that he was coming in to land and requested that the flare path be lit , but was advised that there was still an alert in force and therefore no flare path could be employed .
20 Cranmer was born in 1489 and was thus forty years old when he was precipitated into the world of affairs .
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