Example sentences of "them [prep] [art] same [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The carrier would have agreed to carry them for the same price at the carrier 's risk .
2 Together these two essays are an attempt to construct the theoretical basis for an alternative to positivistic scholarships , an alternative that will deal with the specifically literary properties of texts , and deal with them with the same degree of objectivity and rigour as scholarship has traditionally claimed .
3 If your question is expressly divided into several sub-questions , answer each sub-question separately ; and if the sub-questions are numbered ( i , ii , iii ) or lettered ( a , b , c ) number or letter them in the same way in your answer .
4 Shedding their skin puts them in the same position as Jane Austen 's heroes , prematurely aged by the treacherous sun of the West Indies . ’
5 ( v ) Separate the embryos from other cellular debris by mouth pipette , wash them through a warm pre-equilibrated drop of M16 + BSA ( Table 5 ) and culture them in the same medium under paraffin oil at 37 C in 5% CO2 in air .
6 " I Charles Gillingham Hamilton M.A. of Stockport in the Borough of Stockport and County of Chester , Clerk , a Clergyman of the Church of England , in priest 's orders and a Graduate of the University of Dublin declare that I will discharge always to the best of my ability the duties of Headmaster of the Stockport Grammar and Free School , and that in case I shall he removed from my Office I will thereupon relinquish all claim to the Office and its future emoluments and I will deliver up possession of the School and my residence to the Trustees and that it shall be lawful for them in the same case without ejectment or other legal process to take possession of my residence and remove myself and my effects therefrom . "
7 So these channels sh show significant although not er sig al although not extensive sequence homology with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor which enables you to place them in the same class of being er a ligand er binding channel .
8 If you want two matches to be satisfied simultaneously you put them on the same row in the criteria range .
9 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
10 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
11 I would 've put them on the same level in all honesty
12 Now they will be scared rigid of stepping up and saying anything which could land them on the same mat upon which Lamb was so unfairly punished at Lord 's yesterday .
13 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
14 Hold them at the same height above the ground and let go of them both at the same moment .
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