Example sentences of "when he [vb past] through the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When he passed through the doorway and closed the door behind him Paige could scarcely credit what had happened .
2 ‘ Show me , ’ whispered Wynne-Jones , but when he looked through the mask he could see no more than the darkness .
3 Orcadai and several of the junior officers of the Kha-Khan 's Guard were dicing , and they did not notice Burun when he came through the door .
4 Pascoe was surprised to find him looking almost happy when he came through the door .
5 When he walked through the factory gates that afternoon he 'd walked away from everything .
6 When he finally got there , when he walked through the town , he sensed a tension amongst those who saw him .
7 When he peeped through the gap he could see the big half-pillars supporting the lintel , the rounded stone steps leading down to the paved walkway and the wilderness of garden beyond .
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