Example sentences of "when it [verb] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When it detects a significant change in one of the parameters , it faxes a message to the nearest NRA regional control room .
2 I remember reading the novel as a child , when it made a great impression on me , but the deplorable pastiches and plagiarizations put out by the mass media have obliterated my memory of the original details .
3 The NUR had an unfortunate experience , apparently , a few years back when it made an unwise sponsorship .
4 It was not only the student movement that suffered in this way ; the black movement in the US , especially when it took a revolutionary form in the Black Panther Party , was violently suppressed , and in Latin America democratic and radical movements were destroyed , and military dictatorships were installed , often with American help , as in Chile .
5 The DTI often receives criticism of these , yet little by way of praise when it nips a fraudulent trading operation firmly in the bud .
6 But the deal collapsed when it reached an advanced stage an advanced .
7 The path forked when it reached an old log cabin ; left would have taken us to the top of Mount Eddy , right took us on the Pacific Crest Trail stretching from Canada down to Mexico .
8 When it launched a complete make-up range last autumn , it introduced ‘ Mirror Image Consultation ’ , a new way of selling which is so simple that all the other companies were left wondering why they had n't thought of it first .
9 Then , he had been quite amused and content to joke about being nothing more than a flower bearer , but he was not so happy when it became a regular occurrence .
10 The Methodists first established a chapel for worship in 1828 , in a small building later converted into the Oddfellows Hall , and so named until a couple of years ago when it became a private residence .
11 Neighbours also provided a missing ingredient in our diet of soaps when it became a five-times- a-week fixture back in 1988 .
12 The Japanese retail conglomerate Takashimiya Co Ltd may be in for a bitter disappointment when it opens a commercial art gallery in its new North American flagship design-speciality store on 23 April .
13 When it receives an acoustic signal transmitted from a range of up to 40 km , the weapon jettisons its ballast and rises to just below the sea surface .
14 I remember myself , one time we had we had two grand fields and it were They were almost ripe when it came an awful time of rain , and they were just a sort of flattened .
15 Nowhere is the siren song of conservation more difficult to resist than when it combines a sentimental appeal to make a restoration project out of every down-at-heel relic , with the coded suggestion that it might even be a retail money-spinner in its own right if properly marketed by a curator and a press officer with a gift shop and a T-shirt designer on hand .
16 But in the aftermath of the bid , while suggestions that TI paid too much for Dowty were still flying around the City , the group won praise and respect from many analysts when it released a detailed account of the provisions it would be making in connection with the takeover — £87.1m in all , of which £41m represents asset write-offs and £46.1m additional expenditure that TI will have to incur .
17 This would require that , in certain cases , a merger should be allowed even when it gives a combined share of more than 25 per cent of the European market .
18 It manifests an explicit intent to do so when it places a privative clause in a statute empowering a tribunal .
19 Ideally , the file designer will aim to reduce the time taken to reference this index ; however , when it exceeds a certain threshold value described earlier , a master index , which has one entry for each track of the cylinder index , can be created to reduce the total search time as described above .
20 Another novelty is the secure access feature , which prompts you for a password when it auto-answers an incoming data .
21 On the foreign exchanges the pound managed a modest recovery from Thursday 's slump when it hit an all-time low against the German mark .
22 The experience of the Birmingham County Court when it established a separate office to deal with litigants in person would suggest that the answer is that it is not .
23 It should soon develop a habit of relieving itself in this way when it finds an appropriate spot at the start of its walk .
24 From its medieval origins , when it provided an intellectual grounding for those intending to earn their living in the law , the church and medicine , higher education has been ready to acknowledge the wider society which sustains it .
25 Find the torque which tends to align the rotor in the arrangement shown in Fig. 4.20 with 0 = 45° and 135° , ( i ) when the rotor carries no current , and ( ii ) when it carries a direct current of 2 A. The rotor inductance is 1 H and the stator inductance has maximum and minimum values 1 H and 0.2 H. Assume that periodic inductances vary in a sinusoidal manner and that the coils are perfectly coupled when they are in line .
26 In the following example , the question-tag is ‘ are n't they ’ ; when it has a falling tone , as in ( a ) , the implication is said to be that the speaker is comparatively certain that the information is correct , and simply expects the listener to provide confirmation , while the rising tone in ( b ) is said to indicate a lesser degree of certainty , so that the question-tag functions more like a request for information .
27 Information is relevant when it has a significant effect on our assumptions : in other words , when it will allow us to alter our knowledge structures to give us a more accurate representation of the world .
28 A behavioural response is strengthened when it has an increased probability of occurring ( frequency ) or when it is likely to be performed for a longer period of time ( duration ) .
29 But a state does act that way when it accepts a Solomonic checkerboard solution ; it is inconsistency in principle among the acts of the state personified that integrity condemns .
30 My memories of it , I 've got , I 've always got wonderful memories of the Co-op , you see and that Co-op has been there m on that corner which , when it closed a few years ago I went down to see the present executive officer , he was then assistant , and we campaigned against the closing of Walsall Wood shop but erm course it was of no avail .
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