Example sentences of "when it [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hailed as the weird and wonderful show that dared to be different , the media could n't lavish enough praise on David Lynch 's Twin Peaks when it debuted on American television in April .
2 When it happens at this stage many mothers receive little sympathy because there may be no visible signs of loss .
3 But it ca n't fake it when it varies from one place to another . ’
4 It is the prostate gland which , when it enlarges in later life , as it often does , may cause difficulty in passing urine .
5 But I feel that we are less aware of this same process when it occurs in British schools .
6 Well that , I could n't believe it when it fell over this morning .
7 That means more home helps , more meals on wheels and more money available for home improvement grants for the disabled.The future of the threatened homes will be discussed by the social services committee when it meets in two weeks .
8 In this respect considerable reliance was placed upon Lord Diplock 's dictum in Gill and Duffus SA v Berger and Co Inc [ 1984 ] AC 382 : … while " description " itself is an ordinary English word , the Act contains no definition of what it means when it speaks in that section of a contract for the sale of goods being a sale " by description " .
9 Steven Spielberg 's much hyped dinosaur movie dubbed ’ Jaws with Claws ’ is expected to be a huge box office hit when it goes on general release this week .
10 It just shows , I think , how vigilant Councillors need to be when you get all these documents , and you do get many of them if you 're a District County Councillor , and how necessary it is for you to read them and study them and to remember because these things are very very important when they 're put in when it goes to higher authority at that time .
11 Both Seve and Irwin played badly in the third round , but you 're never going to do a good score at Lytham when it feels like three degrees below freezing and there 's a gale blowing , are you ?
12 Er and when it progressed to automatic tools , all these tools were kept in a store at night , and you collected them in the morning when you went back onto the job .
13 Atari recently sent a shiver through the industry when it laid off 1700 employees .
14 As for the economy , when it hurts in this recession , the pain is felt most — in a way that is most unfair — by the same families and communities who felt the worst pain in every other recession .
15 Soon , however , a new controversy arose when it seemed to some zoologists and paleontologists that even the large dinosaurs could very well have had a high running speed , at least as high as an equivalent sized modern mammal .
16 No doubt she will be hoping that The Corn is Green will draw more of her friends to the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre , when it opens for two weeks on Monday , April 27th .
17 The research ship Solo was seized when it crossed into territorial waters .
18 But the fact was that when it came to practical jokes , he regarded anybody as fair game , from the most fleeting acquaintance to the dearest friend .
19 She was n't so sure about her safety when it came to other things .
20 When it came to other people , particularly men , she preferred to be in control .
21 When it came to new furnishings , people usually they found it difficult to say why apart from ‘ I got it because I liked it ’ , or ‘ I got it because it was cheap ’ .
22 The flamboyant impulsive talkative Celts of Ireland 's Iron Age may , in their enthusiasm , have put just a little too much emphasis on quantity rather than quality when it came to liquid refreshments .
23 In addition , many schools were failing ‘ to venture beyond undemanding popular authors or books associated with favourite television characters ’ when it came to encouraging children to read novels .
24 The Frizzell sons-in-law might wear halos , but when it came to financial success they were nowhere .
25 Men had n't a bit of sense when it came to personal relationships .
26 For Whitehall he was a ‘ handy City man ’ when it came to international finance , especially prior to 1914 when Britain practised imperialism in competition with other great powers .
27 Not only had I had that run in with him over the rehearsals but he was also the fussiest teacher in the school when it came to long hair .
28 I was , I explained , a bit of a big girl 's blouse when it came to crumbling ledges , sheer drops , being underwater for unreasonable lengths of time and squeezing into jam jar sized spaces .
29 And when it came to those Trumpers I could only agree with my father 's judgment .
30 Marin Ceauşescu 's position at the Romanian Foreign Trade Mission in Vienna made him the provider of the family 's needs when it came to everyday items from razor blades to video films .
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