Example sentences of "do not [verb] [indef pn] in the " in BNC.

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1 But if we do n't leave something in the till , it will be spotted as a cheeky scam , and bribery or not , I wo n't get away with it . ’
2 No , I , it 's an enormous sum I mean I do n't think anybody in the West is spending er as much as ten percent on armaments and er I heard a on television not so long ago saying that in eighty percent of their industry is on armaments .
3 Really , I do n't think anybody in the crowd of just over eleven thousand thought United were going to pull anything out of that game .
4 But Charlton was quick to squash any suggestion his players overstep the mark physically , countering : ‘ I do n't think anyone in the world can point the finger at us and say we 've started a war on a football field . ’
5 Well , certainly people are satisfied with where we 've got to and want to draw a line underneath it and move on from there , and I think the prospect of going back to the constitution er issues , and they m once again being a key focus , I do n't think anyone in the Party , or outside the Party , sees the Labour Party wanting to devote itself to that at this time .
6 I do n't do anything in the morning you know .
7 ‘ Please do n't tell anyone in the village that you 've seen me , ’ begged the girl .
8 * Do n't read everything in the same way ( see pp. 39 – 41 ) .
9 No , I do n't know anybody in the flats .
10 ‘ Even if we do n't like everything in the response to Arcic I , it will be progress , ’ Dr Runcie said .
11 ‘ I do n't have one in the bedroom , Nick .
12 Yeah , but we want a proper greenhouse do n't have one in the stock room do you ?
13 Cos they do n't say anyone in the village car been stolen
14 You do n't put everything in the bowl .
15 They do n't put anything in the coffee .
16 So they do n't bother having scarecrows this time of year cos they do n't see in do n't put anything in the ground !
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