Example sentences of "do not [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , these institutional norms do not tell anything like the whole story , and this is particularly true if we focus on spoken language in casual conversation and on phonetic and phonological variation : as we noticed in chapter 3 , the norms of a superordinate variety can not be projected on to the norms of a speech community without distorting our description .
2 However , they do not tell us about the complex subjective processes which this involved .
3 The other factor to consider is that the figures do not tell us about the amount of borrowing which comes about from increases in mortgages used for purposes other than house purchase .
4 Paint and varnish slow down moisture changes in wood but they do not prevent them for no paint is impermeable to water vapour .
5 ( iii ) It is important that pupils working towards level 7 and beyond have increasing opportunities to use spoken Standard English , and in particular that those who do not speak it as a native dialect should be helped to extend their language competence so that they can use Standard English with confidence .
6 Death is always a failure in hospital , and the business and routine of life in the medical and surgical wards do not lend themselves to a personal death ( Sudnow 1967 ) .
7 But the hills remain , for these mountain ranges of southern Greece do not lend themselves to the blandishments of the travel brochure .
8 The windows are richly dressed , though they do not lend themselves to the Kensington approach ; as with Thins , the interior has been face-lifted and made warmly welcoming .
9 So do strong aggressive animals which are well able to protect their babies even if they do not deposit them in a den deep underground .
10 Of course none of this will happen if European electronics companies do not commit themselves to the manufacture and use of flat panel displays .
11 I do not regard myself as a Euro-sceptic .
12 Having grown up a northerner , I make no apologies for saying that I do not regard myself as a southerner who happens to live a few miles up the road .
13 I neither would nor could have murdered him , but I do not regard him as a loss . ’
14 That is not the proposition , but the fact that one does not ban it does not mean that , with the knowledge that we now possess , we do not regard it as a debilitating and dangerous influence on society , and especially young people .
15 For example , it could be argued that ‘ photograph ’ may be divided into two independent words , ‘ photo ’ and ‘ graph ’ ; yet we usually do not regard it as a compound , but as an affix word .
16 It did not seem to me , in that incomplete version , quite to come off , and I still do not regard it among the successful poems .
17 Thirdly , and consequentially , I argued that the elements of harmful consequences liability which are exhibited by the criminal law do not disqualify it from the status of positive moral order , because conventional morality ( as opposed to the critical morality of Kant or Smith , for example ) incorporates a notion of moral luck and indeed our ordinary moral attitudes would be unrecognizable without some such idea .
18 So while differential wage rates might explain the preponderance of women in the Mauritius EPZ , they do not explain it in the Mexican maquilas ( in-bond factories ) .
19 His handful of Masses , three of them ‘ parodies ’ of motets by his teacher Mouton , do not show him as an innovator .
20 But no one has yet been able to identify ‘ extra ’ income , and enterprises do not show it as a separate category .
21 Finally , do not sign anything in a hurry .
22 Take it step by step , but do not jab her in the mouth and be FAIR but FIRM .
23 Although the main emphasis of the book is , as I have said , on the process of coping , rather than on the content of what needs to be coped with , nonetheless the discussion will look somewhat abstract if we do not place it within the context of the Education Reform Act and the other present or imminent changes that are around .
24 Do not treat me like an idiot . ’
25 I 'm grateful that you listen to him , and do not treat him like a fool just because he is old . ’
26 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
27 If we baldly declare the Bible world-picture and do not interpret it to the modern world in such a way as to make it intelligible , we are useless .
28 Trace the outlines on to greaseproof or tracing paper , and fix a piece of waxed paper on top of this , securing firmly at the edges — this double layer is so that pencil marks do not attach themselves to the icing and discolour it .
29 The sums involved are very small and do not cover anything like the cost to the NHS of car accidents .
30 During much of the book you do not feel anything for the androids , but as you see their struggle for survival and begin to sense that they have gained the feelings that humans are losing , you realise the irony of the book .
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