Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [verb] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " The current and projected levels of ozone depletion do not appear to represent a catastrophe , " says Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defence Fund .
2 With the retirement of Lord Denning , it seems that the issue has been laid to rest for some time , since his successor , Lord Donaldson , and most of the current Lords Justices of Appeal do not appear to share the views of the former Master of the Rolls .
3 Despite the official socialist tendencies of these two parties , a substantial number of their voters do not appear to question the maintenance of a capitalist-type class structure in a new Ireland .
4 Although you do not appear to feel the ardour which might be desirable so early in a marriage , you will find it has many rewards , I am sure .
5 I see wide attackers being allowed to come inside for shots , centre-backs who do not appear to have a clue about positional play and plenty of evidence to suggest that we are no longer producing defenders with the ability and confidence to cope on their own . ’
6 According to the Lords 's report on the water industry , 191 do not appear to have an owner and valid engineers ' reports ( required under the 1930 Reservoirs Act ) can not be found for more than half of them .
7 Much of it seems realistic and sensible : ‘ Do not threaten to call the police .
8 In truth , the Tories do not deserve to win the election after having undermined our monetary policy by marrying sterling to the fickle D-Mark .
9 I do not pretend to answer the question by having posed it .
10 This is particularly relevant to conditions such as arthritis , to which the traditional medical response is to prescribe pain-killers which , whilst relieving pain temporarily , do not pretend to treat the causes of the disease itself .
11 I do not pretend to know the reason for this .
12 The owners do not intend to exhibit the work and have no interest in selling it , having already refused an offer of $50 million from a Japanese collector .
13 These comments do not intend to defend the idea that the existing rules can not be improved ( or that the Sevso case involved stolen goods ) , but merely that Swiss law should not be used as a ‘ scapegoat ’ in this field .
14 South African Cricket Union officials , responding to an allegedly inaccurate itinerary published in a national newspaper yesterday , said they do not intend to reveal the schedule for the unofficial English team 's six-week tour any earlier than mid-January .
15 Students who obtain passes in the first year subjects but do not intend to complete the HND may apply for the award of the HNC .
16 However , it is clear that sufficient places in secure accommodation do not exist to meet the need created by that change in the law .
17 These rival proposals for reconciling the legal enforcement of contracts with a fidelity to liberal principles do not purport to derive a justification for enforcement from the value of individual autonomy , but rather they assert a justification which minimizes the conflict with individual autonomy .
18 Licence revenue has proved unreliable as the majority of listeners do not bother to purchase a licence , and radio stations have had to look elsewhere for funds .
19 But they are interrupted and they do not bother to ask the question again during the whole weekend .
20 Bigger waves undoubtedly occur , but those who witness them do not return to tell the tale .
21 If women do not manage to enter the decision-making strongholds of the unions , there is a danger that they will end up as in the past , manipulated and exploited to serve the interests of the male hierarchy .
22 Most City analysts do not expect to see a dividend paid before 1992 and the less optimistic believe Lowndes will have to refinance itself again next year .
23 Peter Powell has flown trains of his kites from a fast launch up the Thames , from a rear-facing pillion seat on a speeding motorcycle , from the sunroof of a car , into the sea and out again , and has demonstrated these stunts all over the world ; but do not expect to become a Peter Powell Mk.2 overnight !
24 Do not expect to book a fortnight 's summer holiday in one hostel ; instead , plan to explore an area with two- to three-night stopovers in different hostels .
25 Well basically if you pay a hundred and sixty pound plus for a premium , you do not expect to get the sort end of the stick .
26 ‘ We do not want to give the impression that employees who have a drinking problem will lose their job , but rather that the Company is now in a position to help them without losing job security .
27 Since the Observer 's leaks , indignant ministers do not want to give the impression of being bounced into publication .
28 The polls show that about 70 per cent of American troops do not want to risk the lives of American troops to achieve such goals .
29 Only in this case Italians do not want to stop the flood — on the contrary , it is seen as the first real chance to clean out the corruption which is endemic in the system .
30 I do not want to detain the House or myself for long , but I pay tribute to the role of the European Community and to the monitors who have served with considerable bravery and tenacity during the conflict .
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