Example sentences of "do [adv] always [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Visitors to the resorts on the Dalmatian coast do not always realise the poverty and backwardness which lie over the mountains only a few kilometres away from the bright lights of Split , Zadar and Šibenik .
2 People do not always observe the principle , of course , but where a speaker flouts it , the hearer will suspect she has a reason .
3 It is felt that resources do not always match every kind of special need that may occur , especially in rural primary schools .
4 If there are structural weaknesses in the German constitution and German political life , they perhaps lie halfway between these two remarks , namely that there is an excessive domination of the parties in the political process who fail to bring political discussion sufficiently into the open and consequently do not always offer the electorate a real choice .
5 Elasticity is important : I do not always prefer a line which stretches the least .
6 do not always give the job to the best of a bad bunch , but investigate where the recruiting methods and job specification may have gone wrong and start again ;
7 Be warned ; legal cases do not always go the householder 's way , so put away the shotgun and do not get angry when people drop litter on your front lawn .
8 Ultimately , this responsibility must rest with the electorate , but they do not always receive the information necessary to make judgements .
9 Modern pressures have ensured that today 's youngsters have far too much to say for themselves and do not always display the respect for their elders which they should .
10 They mean that slum clearances still lack completion ; that low standards of living still persist , and that the lessons taught in the school and clinic , and good social habits , do not always survive the pressure of bad home circumstances when young people have passed from supervision .
11 The professionals concerned do not always ask the carer if she is willing to cope , because they are afraid that she will refuse .
12 Recreational players often play in less than ideal conditions and do not always have the time or money available to spend on their rackets .
13 Languages which have a category of voice do not always use the passive with the same frequency .
14 Do n't always blame the software
15 LAST-MINUTE bargains do n't always mean a midnight flight to the Costas .
16 You do n't always spell a word the way you say it .
17 Fourth , do n't always do a news release on all the grass roots activities .
18 We 've heard a lot about the accuracy of the continuing bombardments , but erm anybody who 's been in a war will tell you that erm once you 're in a war situation , things do n't always go the way you expect them to , in fact there has to be an element of luck and erm the accuracy of bombing in particular erm sometimes leaves something to be required .
19 And it seems that this is the norm and there comes a time when you do n't always mention the norm , you do n't underline it every time , you do n't refer to it every time because it is the excepted thing .
20 You do n't always say a word the way it 's spelled .
21 New babies get so many lovely clothes as presents , that they do n't always get a chance to wear them all . ’
22 [ You do n't always get a rash , though .
23 I do n't always get the chance . ’
24 But mothers do n't always get the help they need when they need it or for long enough , due to shorter hospital stays and shortage of staff or volunteers .
25 People who need help after suffering a head injury do n't always get the care and understanding they need .
26 I do n't like Oxbridge men , do n't trust ‘ em , they do n't always play the game these days .
27 ‘ He said I do n't always recognise the difference between being friendly and being familiar .
28 Words do n't always hit the mark , do they ?
29 The Horde have been , are and can be inspirational but do n't always hit the target here .
30 We can sometimes reserve a suite room for single occupancy for a £55 supplement ; suite rooms share facilities with another room , and do n't always have a balcony .
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