Example sentences of "do [adv] [vb infin] much [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I replied to Ms Chevannes through the same newspaper thus : ‘ Generally , black kids do not demonstrate interest in school work and do not sink much enthusiasm into their efforts .
2 Between these two poles of urban progressive Gujerati families and Muslim peasant families fall the majority of situations , where the parents do not show much interest in their daughter 's school life and try and restrict her if she wants to enter higher education .
3 The realities of modern war do not brook much choice in the matter .
4 But sound also casts sonic shadows , though other than noticing that shutting the door can reduce the sound , we do not pay much heed to it .
5 In practice the low discounts on non-net books do not give much margin of flexibility .
6 I do not expect much joy from the Minister tonight , but I give warning that , for the time I remain on these Benches , with the label on which I came here eight and a half years ago — as a Labour Member of Parliament , albeit a Member who has a label beneath his name on the TV as an expelled Labour Member — I shall bring before the House the necessary measures not just to talk about the death of the poll tax but to bury it once and for all .
7 Secondly , an examiner tends to be grudging in his marks for book-work questions , which he knows do not require much intelligence in the answering .
8 Although activity patterns themselves do not provide much information about such qualitative goals as the choice open to an individual , or the respect in which they are held , it is at least arguable that improvements in these areas will be reflected in the variety of activities and the extent of the person 's participation in them ; and that if low levels of engagement in meaningful activity are found this reflects a genuine problem whatever other measures may indicate ( Mansell et al. , 1987 ) .
9 Accordingly , I do not derive much assistance from the definitions of natural justice which have been from time to time used , but , whatever standard is adopted , one essential is that the person concerned should have a reasonable opportunity of presenting his case .
10 But I do not put much weight on this second ground , for great as may be the importance of putting out a fire , it is not sufficiently great to justify the driver in leaving a trail of destruction behind him . ’
11 However , since the wave is providing all the power for the turn you do not need much power from the rig .
12 I confess I do not find much relevance in this to the death penalty .
13 In theraps species the changes in colours and body pattern distinction are very noticeable indeed , whereas in others , like managuense , which do not display much variation in colour , the male will go very dark , jet black even , with the Jaguar pattern becoming very distinct .
14 If consumerism is to be as important as this suggests , then the definition of consumer needs to be wide : it must include the ‘ hidden consumers ’ who do not have much contact with social services departments , and it needs to include both clients and their carers .
15 Moreover , they are often flown by early solo pilots who do not have much experience of flying them or of solo aerotowing .
16 Unlike many other professions or hobbies , photographers do not have much access to courses where they can hone their skills , although you will occasionally see ads on the back of the Irish Times .
17 But they do n't give much sign of it .
18 People do n't give much value to a sense of smell ; unlike the other senses .
19 They do n't make much money at it though .
20 ‘ So you do n't set much store by the ill feeling around , that evening ? ’
21 Most people pay for milk by cheque so milkman do n't carry much money with them .
22 While it may be straightforward to assess whether a lease is renewed properly or a contract accurately drafted — it will soon be clear if they have been or not — these transactions do n't carry much potential for building long-term relationships or adding value through additional services .
23 ‘ You do n't show much sign of it , ’ accused Betty .
24 ‘ You do n't pay much attention to your staff , do you ? ’
25 ‘ I-I- do n't pay much attention to politics , I 'm afraid , ’ she said .
26 I , I get the feeling that because they do n't really know especially if you 're caught pissing around in quad , yeah , and er it 's by a teacher that you do n't know , a ma or a master or something they do n't pay much attention to it because you 're a girl and they do n't know you and I get that feeling anyway , I feel slightly like we c could actually get away with more .
27 ‘ But we do n't attach much store to who is the biggest .
28 Dr Mackintosh went on , ‘ I do n't take much pleasure in modern poetry myself .
29 I do n't take much notice of what people say about me .
30 ‘ No , I do n't take much notice of newspapers . ’
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