Example sentences of "do [adv] [vb infin] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many special wallcoverings , unlike most papers and vinyls , do not match at the edges .
2 ‘ If you do not stop at the road-block , you are dead , ’ says a soldier with a grimace .
3 Catering services do not exist at the beck and call of an immature , over-wealthy child . ’
4 A contract for the sale of unascertained goods may or may not be void because of the fact that certain goods have perished or do not exist at the time of the contract .
5 In this case , if it turns out that the goods do not exist at the time of the contract , the seller will be liable in damages to the buyer for breach of his contractual undertaking .
6 I do not leer at the advertisements along the underground escalators .
7 If you have received " delay not determined " before failure , and no subsequent Eat do not land at the destination airfield .
8 The police are directed not to the Polytechnique , but to a nearby student residence , and do not arrive at the Polytechnique until nearly twenty minutes past five .
9 If economic agents do not arrive at the solutions indicated by the economic model ( or if foreign policy decision-makers do not choose the strategies recommended by game theory ) , that is , one might say , so much the worse for the agents .
10 I do not blush at the difference between our ages ?
11 I am not arguing that children do not suffer at the hands of adults ; clearly they do and again we have looked at the evidence concerning incidence and prevalence .
12 Do not tug at the rope , just lean back and the rig will slowly emerge
13 It has been observed that two out of three fiction readers in libraries do not look at the text of a book before choosing it .
14 Donald Unwin , chief engineer at the association 's Testing and Research Laboratory , said ‘ Many manufacturers just do not look at the problem through the eyes of the Third World countries .
15 If you intend to climb a mountain , you do not look at the foothills and worry ; you keep your eyes fixed on the summit , and that way , if you are very lucky and very determined , you may achieve it .
16 His message is : If you want to understanding knowing , remembering , hoping , and so on , do not look at whatever experiences may go with the use of the words ‘ know ’ , ‘ remember ’ , ‘ hope ’ , do not look at the phenomena ; look , instead , at the transactions of language , look at the grammar of the expressions ‘ I know ’ , ‘ I remember ’ , ‘ I hope ’ , look at what is done with these expressions .
17 I do not look at the rocks and trees , I am frightened of what they see .
18 Unlike many orchestras , the Berliners , he suggested , do not play at the edge of their musical tolerance , hounded by fear , ‘ swallowing the notes ’ .
19 Most notably , ensuring that a few do not profit at the expense of the many and limiting foreign control of the economy are important concerns in Hungary , and will no doubt influence the law .
20 But now they do not come at the end of the list .
21 These reflections do not come at the end of the piece — Palomar then goes on to make analogies with human communication — but they do encapsulate its essential spirit and that of many other pieces in the book .
22 However , it does suggest that there are recognisable " black " voice characteristics which do not operate at the level of segmental phonology , but have to do with such factors as prosodic features , voice setting , and perhaps other elements which remain to be identified .
23 We feel that this is very much a matter for the district councils in the preparation of their local plans , with their local knowledge which is something we do not have at the county level to be able to make comment on .
24 Similarly , many estuaries formed by the Post-glacial rise of sea level have infills which are essentially deltaic in character even though they do not emerge at the surface .
25 My mind locks in : take it steady , keep cool and do n't kick at the ice !
26 instead of having , I mean you do n't think at the time , but what she should of said was can I go away , come back for another interview another day , which means she , she 's
27 You do n't think at the time though sometimes do you ?
28 I mean clearly I I do n't think at the moment I 'm in a position to apply for a a taught course because I do n't have the money .
29 I do n't feel at the moment that I even have the right to his name . ’
30 Christopher I do n't know and quite honestly I do n't care at the moment
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