Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately , most are benign by nature and do not represent a threat in terms of predation .
2 That the dish is tasty and that another helping will upset the stomach are relevant facts because they do modify inclination ; that it is a rainy or a sunny day and that the wallpaper is yellow or white are irrelevant because they do not move the child in either direction .
3 These people seem to forget that results do not mean a thing in football and are only of secondary interest to a manager .
4 Short and intermediate courses and those which do not involve the student in heavy costs tend to have a more democratic social composition .
5 Does my hon. Friend agree that the very people of whom Labour Members complain , saying that they do not give a service in Government Departments , almost always belong to unions who support the Labour party ?
6 Bearing in mind the reference by Shelley J.A. , in Reg. v. Barrett , 12 J.L.R. 179 , 180 , to the concept of counsel for the Crown as ‘ minister of justice whose prime concern is its fair and impartial administration , ’ their Lordships , while not feeling bound to accept in relation to Jamaica the comprehensive principles , almost amounting to criminal discovery , which the defendant has attempted to rely on , recognise that the ‘ Purvis–Barrett ’ principles do not cover every situation in which fairness may demand that the prosecution make available material to the defence .
7 If in doubt do not mention a timetable in the transmittal letter — send out an offers deadline once you have established sufficient interest
8 Even in a car the wipers do not clear the windscreen in torrential rain .
9 For the reasons which I have given above I do not think the court in Reg. v. Philippou were justified in reconciling Morris with Lawrence , but they were correct in following Attorney-General 's Reference ( No. 2 of 1982 ) and could have reached their conclusion without relying on Lawrence .
10 Computer owners in Japan do not favour the trend in the West of designing general-purpose software packages .
11 If you have had a weight problem for a long time , do not expect a miracle in a few weeks .
12 Do not leave the meat in the water for more than an hour or two , for it will soon begin to decay and pollute the water .
13 Hunters do not portray the hunt in ways that could be construed as aggressive , either in the hunter 's emotional state or in his attitude to the prey .
14 have very little warning before you need to go , and sometimes do not reach the lavatory in time ;
15 If taxes are raised to finance the spending , the policy will still be expansionary and so reduce unemployment so long as the taxes raised do not exceed the increase in government spending by a certain amount .
16 Building in opportunities for student progression is one of these , so that special courses , very necessarily built up over the last 15 years , do not become an end in themselves but rather a means towards mainstream education and training .
17 Minor students have a free choice of final-year units but do not write a dissertation in History .
18 Do not write the word in his own spelling book for him to copy : copying does not teach correct spelling .
19 I do not understand the reference in the above passage to section 10 of the Act of 1839 .
20 It was also noted that the men of West Belfast generally do not play a role in the latter !
21 It is arguable that the performance measures based on portfolio performance , to which fund managers are currently held , do not provide an environment in which there would be any significant advantage for fund managers who had closer relations with auditors .
22 We do not believe the guidance in MPG6 paragraph 71 that minerals applications should simply ‘ have regard to ’ the development plan reflects that contained in PPG12 ; namely that ‘ development must accord with the development plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise ’ .
23 We do not believe the guidance in MPG6 paragraph 71 that minerals applications should simply ‘ have regard to ’ the development plan reflects that contained in PPG12 ; namely that ‘ development must accord with the development plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise ’ .
24 We know the yield of routine investigations in iron deficiency anaemia but do not know the outcome in those with no detected cause .
25 Unfortunately this is the way the Tory always play their ploys on Highfield , they always think they are the champions of Highfield issue unfortunately they do not know what transpired in that area , they do not know the deprivation in that area .
26 Make sure that you do not get a link-wire in the wrong place so that it short circuits a secondary winding .
27 If you do not get a seat in the chambers of which you are a pupil , you stand little chance elsewhere .
28 ‘ I do not see the point in raking over old coals , ’ he said philosophically .
29 They are all great prospects , not just for Lancashire but for England , and I do not see the point in getting depressed when there is such a wealth of promise for the future making its presence felt in the club . ’
30 These purely subjective announcements do not provoke a debate in which the speaker and listener are challenged to give a precise meaning to the words .
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