Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The distal humerus and proximal tibia and femur are preferentially preserved in the predator assemblages where the greatest breakage overall occurs , while the species that do little damage to the bone cluster near the origin .
2 I do rather object to the sort of chap who farts in public and then says ‘ Better out than in . ’ ’
3 The powers do perhaps get into the habit of erm of erm of meeting together .
4 ( A strange distinction , this , since the KEF arrangement is probably the closest yet to a true concentric — the others are misnomers and should really be termed coaxial. ) claim that their composite driver is essentially free from the dispersion discontinuities in and around the crossover region , which inevitably result when tweeter and bass/midrange driver are physically separated ( because the directivities of the two drive units do not match in the crossover region the perceived tonal balance is modified as the listener moves position ) .
5 I think it is very important for those outside America to understand that , like myself , the media and people of Los Angeles do not speak for the rest of the country .
6 I do not speak of the substance of the matter because so many of us have some doubts about the substance of it and we shall come to that later , but erm it does seem to me that er we had to get rid of erm sections two , two A and three of the Police Act nineteen sixty four as amended and that clearly doing so here and erm er er I I think that this is an improvement as a result on the laws that er present appears on the Statute Book .
7 American and Soviet leaders might also feel compelled to reach an understanding over a country/territory where the risks of direct military confrontation do not appear worth the pursuit of particular local or regional interests .
8 warning lights do not appear on the dashboard unless they are actually needed , thereby giving priority to essential information such as vehicle speed , engine speed and fuel .
9 Characters printed in this way do not appear on the screen .
10 If the drugs do not appear in the stool as planned , or if symptoms of intoxication develop , the smuggler may present to a casualty department , fearing a package has burst , fabricating a story to try to avoid criminal proceedings .
11 The Court of Appeal in that case thought that the distinction between larceny by a trick and obtaining by false pretences depended on the presence in the Larceny Act of the words ‘ without the consent of the owner , ’ and , as these words do not appear in the definition of theft , the distinction is gone ; all cases of obtaining by deception , contrary to section 15 , are also theft .
12 The words " in relation to " referred to in the third limb do not appear in the section but it seems to the author that the reference to " any benefit to him by contract or otherwise " must relate in some way to the gifted property , and a conclusion along those lines seems to have been drawn in some of the old estate duty cases ( see Chick v Commissioners of Stamp Duties [ 1958 ] AC 435 at 447 ) .
13 Apart from one passing reference to the Statute of Labourers , social grievances do not appear in the petition .
14 Thus , many women who are living with or married to a man can not claim benefits on their own behalf , and , thus , do not appear in the unemployment figures .
15 At least one member of the Group had submitted estimates which do not appear in the list .
16 The merits of the plaintiff 's objections to the means of valuation do not appear from the report , and did not need to , because this was a striking-out application under RSC Ord 18 , r19 , which allows no evidence to be heard about the case that the plaintiff wished to make .
17 Smokers , stop as quickly as possible and do not smoke in the presence of others .
18 That means do not thump on the piano .
19 You do not commit to the home , do you , Henry ?
20 ’ And although the old folk do not sit around the fire any more telling stories as they once did — many of the yarns told by Mr Murray 's own father have found their way into his poetry — there are always the excitements and discoveries of the present by way of compensation .
21 Contrary to reports , a spokesman for Sun Microsystems Inc said the company 's chief financial officer did not comment on the outlook for the quarter — ‘ We generally do not comment on the Street or analysts ’ earnings expectations , ’ he said .
22 Although glamorous , the interiors do not attain to the splendour of the famous German Embassy in Paris , but contain some outstanding ( and intriguing ) works of art .
23 The facts of sea-warfare are not ignored but there is no concentration on their gruesome aspects and , usually , plain statements do not extend to an analysis of the effect of conflict on individuals .
24 Rules must thus be developed which indicate that holes do not extend beyond the boundary of the solid , and holes totally enclosed within solids are handled as " voids " or " inclusions " .
25 That is to say , there is no way to distinguish between them provided that measurements do not extend beyond the region of uniformity .
26 This particular form is a pale metallic yellowish/beige with several vertical stripes of a mauvish colour , which do not extend onto the belly .
27 I do not wake in the night , I am a sound sleeper .
28 You do not invest in the equity market to make capital gains !
29 Pedestrians also have a responsibility to signal their intentions — Do NOT walk off the pavement onto the road — PRACTISE the Green Cross Code and teach it to children — Rule 7 .
30 They do not monitor in the area — which suggests that they do n't think it is a major exposure route .
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