Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [noun] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But other sorts of drink may be advertised , so long as they do not link consumption to social or sexual success — thus eliminating the predictable drink-this-and-score line .
2 The media are also required , when reporting matters which are relevant to imminent legal proceedings , to ensure that their reports do not give rise to any substantial risk of prejudice .
3 However , he stressed in an obvious reference to Kurdish guerrillas and their supporters that " we do not give guarantees to those people " .
4 The present ski development is unsafe for walkers to walk through towards the carriers as the skiers do not give way to each other let alone walkers .
5 But they do not constitute invitations to sexual assault , least of all by officers of the law .
6 ‘ Legislatures in France , Germany and Britain do not initiate legislation to any significant degree , they are peripherally involved in the budgetary process and party cohesion and institutional limitations serve to restrict the scope of powerful scrutiny of executive actions by the legislatures ’ ( Page 1985 , p. 89 ) .
7 Such costs are not assets as defined in the Board 's draft Statement of Principles because they do not provide access to any future economic benefits .
8 Responses which allow a steady state solution but do not allow convergence to that solution might be considered implausible and certainly deserve examination and further study .
9 We do not attribute reality to all the objects of our apparent perception .
10 I am not ambitious , I do not seek answers to large questions , she would say .
11 Do not add fat to any of the food ( except where we have specified it ) , and preferably omit salt too .
12 Such job descriptions as ‘ supervise ’ , ‘ advise ’ and ‘ coordinate ’ do not add value to that while the people can do so on their own .
13 Because of the decline of public transport , it is often no longer possible for those who do not have access to personal transport ( their own or shared ) to commute daily to and from rural settlements ; these people and places may effectively be isolated .
14 Because of their position in the class-structure they do not have access to useful connections which , as we have seen , are so valuable in Latin America .
15 He argues that this control enables a group of conquerors to subdue and dominate those who do not have access to such technology .
16 Children from the under-privileged sections of the community , the socially deprived , may well have been conditioned , even educated , to believe that they do not have access to such services as libraries .
17 If pupils do not have access to Standard English then many important opportunities are closed to them , in cultural activities , in further and higher education , and in industry , commerce and the professions .
18 My seat went through a large 16in thicknesser , but if you do not have access to one , do n't worry .
19 NO ACCESS You do not have access to this module without supplying it 's associated password .
20 they do n't give appointments to any
21 attention decrement : subjects may ‘ hold on ’ to initial words because they get distracted or bored when they are asked to process sequential information , hence they do n't pay attention to later words .
22 Attention decrement can be compared to the order effect in cases where subjects ‘ hold on ’ to initial words and do n't pay attention to later words — ; ‘ tended to remember first 3 adjectives better than last 3 ’ .
23 I do n't get Y to twelve .
24 You also do n't have access to upper memory blocks or the high memory area .
25 Over 80% do n't have access to any help once they leave hopsital .
26 I do n't follow rugby to that extent .
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