Example sentences of "said [pron] [modal v] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I said I would make them a hundred butterfly cakes , and they either they 'll eat them or they 'll sell them , and I 'll hav I 'll try and have them ready for when rings up at half past one and if they sell them and she brings me any I would n't mind knocking a few more up for tomorrow , but I 'm not gon na give them all
2 So I told my proposer to let my name stand , and said I would accept whatever the ballot box decided , but would not play there again if the vote went against me .
3 He said I ought to get myself a lawyer . ’
4 Oh he said I 'll bring you a leaflet .
5 They take you there for twenty P if you reg he said I 'll bring you the papers .
6 I said I 'll give you a tenner to build it all for me .
7 I said I 'll give you a bed bath .
8 somewhere like that she said , but I 've er decided not to , she said I 'll give you the money on Saturday if that 's alright ?
9 He said I 'll give you the recipe .
10 When they saw Ruth , both men looked slightly abashed , like a pair of overgrown schoolboys , and Connor explained : ‘ This young man wants to learn the rudiments of sparring , so I said I 'd give him a few pointers .
11 But I mean , Gill would go out and I said I 'd give her a if if we did it e er turn and turn about you only have to find one about once every eight weeks like .
12 and then I said I 'd give her a ring .
13 At the end of my little phone session , I 've one last in the bag , hi Mick , Peter , as I said I 'd give you a bell in January , do you think it 's a good time for us to get together now , yes , Oh great , O K , I 've got .
14 I 've been asked to write about it and I said I 'd give it a think . ’
15 I always said I 'd make you a better partner , did n't I ?
16 I said I 'd read you a couple of stories .
17 They said they would , but they said you ought to give us the surname .
18 And someone said you ought to get yourself a pair .
19 ‘ Sorry , I mean I 'm pregnant and , er , you said you could help me the day after tomorrow and I wanted to know if … ’
20 No , but she said like , she said it could come today cos she says they deliver I says is there no way I said you can give me a number I said that I could get in contact , she said no , she said were 're not allowed to do that
21 She said she 'll send me a letter , but I reckon it 's too early to go and have a look .
22 She said she 'll tell you a bit more about the Sunday about the the production we 're gon na put on .
23 Yeah i well he 's just distressed cos I think Gill 's phoning him in the morning and she said she 'd give him a lift to the hospital .
24 Mrs Wright came in and she said she 'd give me a lift home .
25 Oh she said she 'd give you a token did n't she ?
26 She took a purse from her coat pocket , found two silver florins and handed them to the landlady , who said she 'd get her a rent book .
27 If I was outside , she said she could telephone me every day for nothing , if I gave her the number of a phone box and arranged to be there for a certain time …
28 We ought to really , although I said we 'll leave them a lot of behind than the dinosaurs .
29 Why should n't Fanshawe just have said to his wife , ‘ This young lady has missed her last train and since she lives in London I said we 'd give her a lift ’ ?
30 They , they said well we can redo it for you , they said we can give you a reduction in it , and he sort of bartered with them , and I think he got , you know , a good couple of hundred pound off just for this little chip in the unit .
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