Example sentences of "one of [art] few [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This great canvas is one of the few of Rudolf 's collection to remain in Prague .
2 Having been told by the gentleman at passenger enquiries that the Lowestoft train is one of the few in Britain to retain six-seater compartments , I am fully prepared to adopt my usual routine for such occasions ; I intend to rush on , secure an empty compartment , slide the door behind me , adopt the brazen-hussy-like pose of an Amsterdam whore in her front window ( tongue rolling out and knees wide apart , as I slouch across the upholstery ) , crook my index finger and beckon slowly at any commuters passing along the corridor outside who are considering invading my territory .
3 Helping to fill it , though , is a recent argument that Carlisle , as a civitas capital , was also a bishopric , and one of the few in Britain which survived the Romano-British to Anglo-Saxon transition ; indeed the civitas is seen as the homeland of St Patrick .
4 The Department of Scandinavian Studies is the only centre in Scotland — and one of the few in Britain — for the study of Scandinavian languages and cultures .
5 The next mill downstream is Cheshers Mill , later referred to as The Old Mill , one of the few in Blockley never to be used for silk .
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