Example sentences of "one of [art] [adj] things [art] " in BNC.

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1 Among all the fuss about income tax , I should like to point out that one of the best things the Conservatives have done is to allow a wife 's earnings to be taxed separately from her husband .
2 This is a reminder that one of the first things a Kinnock government is pledged to do is sign the European Commission 's social charter , rejected by Mr Major at the Maastricht summit .
3 To women , entering the trade without undergoing any of the initiation rites , excluded from the union , the whole business of fat and lean — one of the first things a boy apprentice would learn about — can have meant little .
4 For one of the first things the maltster looked for was just this : uniformity of seed in the samples that the farmer showed to him .
5 One of the first things the children notice about the stone is his odd logic .
6 Naturally , one of the first things the Fields did on arrival at Lartington Hall was to start their own pack of hounds .
7 It says that it is the counsel of the witan determined upon as soon as Cnut and his witan established peace and friendship between Danes and English , and that one of the first things the witan decided was that they would zealously observe Edgar 's law and " investigate further at leisure what was necessary for the nation , as best they could " .
8 One of the first things an infant elephant has to discover is how to use its trunk .
9 She defines as one of the good things the non-specialist character of primary school teaching .
10 However , this issue can be looked at positively : perhaps someone may do something about their abuse as a result of Mr Rose 's coming forward — telling someone is one of the hardest things a victim can do .
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