Example sentences of "i think [pron] [vb -s] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think she feels a certain resentment that he used his wife 's illness , her death , and now uses the children as an excuse for reneging on his undertaking to leave when she wanted the cottage back . ’
2 agree with that lady over there about er Queen , I think she does a wonderful job and , it 's come through lately there like she just suffers the same as any natural mother , their family , the way they live , the way their
3 I think she has a nasty pain in her little inside . "
4 I think she has a genuine feeling for the fans and for all that 's been written about her .
5 I think she has a fair point , even if there were better times in this home and altogether better times in other homes .
6 I admire her because she is an actress who can also sing and I think she has a wonderful personality , ’ said Mr Hipkiss as he stood with 1,500 screaming fans outside the city 's Ritzy nightclub .
7 Well the honourable gentleman as always makes er more than a debating point , I think he makes a serious point which er deserves to be answered , erm it is not , if I can put it this way , the intention of these orders er to turn auditors into er snoopers or narks er and to do so I think runs some very serious risks , not only of reducing and undermining the relationship between auditors and their clients , not only of imposing very substantial additional cost burdens on auditors which will have to be borne by companies and ultimately their clients , but also there has an example he 's given I think to be some difference , put it no more than that between public money and private money , even though I acknowledge that were talking here about the trusteeship in some cases of of er d er public deposits and funds .
8 I think he lives a fair bit away . ’
9 So erm I 'm you kn I do n't propose to do that again because I would n't er I would n't arrange a speaker if we had a full table show but it 's nice to know that it did work out because we were , I was forced into a corner a little bit erm and I think it was worth it because we as I say I 've waited a long time for Danny and he was well worth listening to , I can listen to Danny for hours because he he just speaks and , and tells you about his fish , I 'm , I 'm very very fond of listening to Danny cos I think he gives a good talk .
10 I think he has a genuine appreciation of Madonna 's talent . ’
11 I think he has a terrific attitude to the game .
12 I think he needs a few drinks ! ’
13 I think it depends a little bit where the visitors are coming from .
14 I think it gets a bad habit really there a bad habit really then .
15 I think it takes a long while for The Wedding Present to build up trust in someone .
16 But it 's whether , whether the officers do that and start the consultation or whether it 's done by P A G , I 'm getting a shaking of the head here , I think it needs a political decision as opposed to anything else .
17 I think it has a great story line , I hate Carmel !
18 ‘ The technique still needs to be evaluated , but I think it has a positive feature because it has potentially fewer complications . ’
19 So I think it has a social function , as well as a formal educational function .
20 So I think it has a social function , as well as a formal educational function .
21 It has an irritatingly small backspace key and I think it has a horrible plastic feel , but this is purely subjective .
22 But now I think it has a different meaning .
23 I think it makes a refreshing change from my Jaguar back in England , ’ he murmured .
24 Yes I think it makes a big difference
25 I think it lies a little bit deeper . ’
26 and I think it gives a balanced view , on something you know may be , you may be interested in the future .
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