Example sentences of "i have [vb pp] him [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , oh Rocket , for the first few months I had him , after he was rescued , and he was so protective of me , because I 'd given him a good home and never , never hit him in the face .
2 I felt as if I 'd handed him a loaded shotgun and said shoot . ’
3 Pedalling up to the office in the mornings , with the bike wheels crunching on the thick white frost , I would arrive with bright red cheeks and breath coming out like steam , and once the Met Officer commented , after I had given him a cheerful , early morning smile , ‘ You do n't know what a difference it makes to your face when you smile !
4 I asked Toby to do me a favour and tell the Fleet Street ‘ dirty mac brigade ’ , who covered crime and other seedy activities , that I had given him an exclusive .
5 ‘ I seem to remember that he never stopped talking and I had given him the cold fish eye . ’
6 He laughed softly , with pleasure , as if I had fed him the right cue .
7 I had bought him a musical tie which woke him up from an afternoon nap when he rolled on to it .
8 I had thought him the luckiest man on the FAKOUM Central Committee .
9 And now I 've lost him a second time , and this time for ever !
10 Bless you , now you see , now straight away I 've asked him a simple question , he 's given me a simple , straightforward answer
11 I 've seen him a few times and he 's never made a favourable impression on me !
12 ‘ Yes , I 've met him a few times , ’ she admitted .
13 I 've given him an anti-tetanus injection and told him not to shave over those scratches for the next few days . ’
14 I 've known him a long time , ’ Maggie said desperately , knowing quite well that she was being taunted and feeling just a little defenceless .
15 I 've told him no more sex till he gets back into shape . ’
16 ‘ Because Father is a tired old man I have spared him a hundred times , and tolerated things which are little short of intolerable .
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