Example sentences of "i have [verb] [pers pn] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I 'd heard him for a bit by then .
2 I was clumsy and had to pick up a couple of notes from the floor and wipe the bags where I 'd touched them with a handkerchief .
3 ‘ but he was wearing a collar and I 'd tied him to a lamppost . ’
4 Oh god I thought I 'd lost it for a minute
5 ‘ Liz lost a winning I 'd given her on a horse .
6 Anyway , after I 'd introduced her to a few different locations and got her over the initial newness of the experience , she seemed perfectly willing to come to me .
7 You know , cos I 'd got it at a P P C as well , for national conference .
8 As soon as you deigned to tell me that the Svend you were looking for was a student , and that he 'd used my home as a hotel , I recalled that my nephew spent a night here shortly after I moved in so that he could attend a lecture at the city university , and that I 'd entrusted him with a spare key so he could come and go as he pleased . ’
9 I 'd spotted them in a second-hand shop and immediately began saving feverishly to make them mine before anyone else got their hands on them .
10 Ever since we 'd been at university together , I 'd known him as a bit of a shower freak , staying in there for ages .
11 How can I have dreamed it as a six-year-old ?
12 Could I have caught him at a bad moment , could he have mellowed , I could n't believe it .
13 Well again , I , I , I had to do it as a kid but I did n't afterwards but er , I er , tell you about this chap and I even went back and told him .
14 Would n't speak to me for six months , but then his natural goodness of heart , as well perhaps as his gradual realization that I might have been right , that perhaps I had saved him from a fate worse than death , made it impossible for him to keep it up .
15 I killed her as surely as if I had stabbed her with a knife , shot her with a gun , squeezed her neck between my hands .
16 In fact , the next paper I sent him was called , if I remember rightly , ‘ The Poet — the Public — the Faith ’ , and I had dispatched it to a review called The Green Quarterly , the only recollection of which I have is that it was quarterly and that it was green .
17 I picked the song because I had written it for a special person and it was not a Dr Hook song .
18 It was the first time I had seen her in a pale colour — a light grey dress which made her seem shadowy .
19 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
20 I had seen him on a number of occasions during my childhood in Abyssinia where my father had been British Minister at Addis Ababa , but this was the first time I spoke to him .
21 I thought I had seen it in a Met report , some time back .
22 I had invited him for a meal , and he left around midnight . ’
23 And then , suddenly , I had to see him as a MAN — my husband !
24 Then I had to take him to a big detached house divided into flats .
25 In the end I had to take it to a skid pan to see how far it would go before it eventually lost its cool The answer was as far as its steering lock would allow .
26 This was good news , as I had met him after a children 's charity evening and had found him shy , attractive and funny .
27 I 'd been told the baby was semi-posterior so I knew I had to turn her into a more comfortable position for birth .
28 And he looks a lot better for the change , although I have to tell you that by the time I had grilled him for an hour and tested him out on the snooker table I did notice that he reached for a cigarette .
29 I had bought her for a song , then spent a fortune restoring her and , when my term of service expired and I could afford to become the gypsy-sailor I had always wanted to be , I left the Marines and made Masquerade my new home .
30 But I had bought mine at a time when I 'd luckily accumulated some nice big fees , and she is just what I need , in every way .
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