Example sentences of "i be go [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am going to point out the arguments for culling .
2 I am going to set up a two foot tank .
3 I am going to set up a two foot tank .
4 Mr Jefferies featured strongly in the confessions of Ivan Boesky and he is quoted in an American magazine this month as saying : ‘ If the government was going to bring me down for something like this , I am going to bring down a lot of other people with me ’ .
5 One member of the pair was told by his/her partner ‘ I am going to read out a list of words to you .
6 Now I am going to throw out a challenge .
7 I 'm going to hang out the washing on
8 After that , nothing happened for hours till Gloria suddenly said , ‘ Listen , ducky , I 'm going to pop up the West End .
9 I 'm going to put up a good fight .
10 Hold on tight now — I 'm going to whip up the horse .
11 I 'm going to stoke up the fire and dry Beuno 's socks . ’
12 I 'm going to set off a flare . ’
13 This week , in fact tomorrow , I 'm going to splash out an unbelievable amount of money and buy a transcription machine .
14 What I 'm going to do is to examine now I 'm going to go up the collar bone first over the shoulder pad , T-shirt with a shoulder pad .
15 Yes I am the outcome of it all is that she 's waiting on the wall , getting piles and I 'm going to go down the shop with her .
16 I 'm going to send round a nurse who 'll massage the affected muscles and help her with exercises .
17 However hard it is , however cosy you are in your chair , you must just say , ‘ I 'm going to stretch my legs ’ or ‘ I 'm going to walk down the passage just to show that I can do it ! . ’
18 Next month I 'm going to tab out a request from Mr Bob McGhee , of Basingstoke , who has asked for Don Rich 's solo from Buck Owens ' Love 's Gon na Live Here .
19 I 'm going to park up the top .
20 I 'm going to write up a suggested arrangement on the board now .
21 and I 'm going to write down the answers they give me and get them to sign them because I have I have really been beaten about the head by this !
22 Now I 'm going to pull down a whole pile of these things and make a nest out of them so we 'll be warm and cosy until we 're rescued from each other . ’
23 Because if I 'm going to check out the council elections and things we may as well go together and do our business there and annoy all the people at the council all at once .
24 I 'm going to make up the fabric I 've got .
25 I 'm going to spell out a warning to the aeroplane pilot by making you all into letters .
26 I 'm going going back the other way .
27 I told him that if he did n't cut out the vicious behaviour , Brian and I were going to cut out the co-operation , we 'd stop eating .
28 The person whom I was going to take over the job from said to me at the end of the meeting well what do you think of that meeting and I must admit I the answer and luckily somebody else instructed with some other business and I felt I got off the hook here but in fact that got dealt with very quickly and he came back to me and said well what did you think of the meeting and I had to say to him just one word , was the way I put it .
29 My plan for how I was going to live out the rest of my days had just been torn up in front of my face and I needed time to adjust .
30 Christmas fillers you see , so I , she , cos I 've , I 'm going to make a couple of fruit cakes , I said well I was going to bring in a couple of fruit cakes and said if you need them not , if not I said I 'll take them back I thought no way is Sue gon na eat them , eat cakes like she did last year , or year before
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