Example sentences of "i be [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And , Father , he asked — the lord sheriff asked — that I should beg you to have Brother Cadfael informed also , and when the morning comes , if you permit , I am to lead him to the place , to meet the sheriff there .
2 I am to take you to the count .
3 After Titania 's quatrains — the most artificial verse-form in drama , presupposing as it does that the speaker has four lines already prepared , with rhymes , confident of not being interrupted — Bottom 's prose truly belongs to the world of unromantic everyday appetites : Bottom may have been ‘ translated ’ in shape , but nothing can elevate him to verse and romance — apart , ironically enough , from his role as Pyramus , out of whose Pistol-like doggerel he is ever ready to step in order to explain the play : ‘ She is to enter now , and I am to spy her through the wall .
4 Duncan , Bert and I were to secrete ourselves behind the curtains along with Aspel , who was to demonstrate the trick with the help of his three ‘ assistants ’ .
5 I have to pay 80p for one piece of Vallis , Cabomba etc at any of the fish centres in this part of the world and £1.50 each if I was to buy them in the little pots .
6 Gaitskell became excited at the prospect and instructed me with great firmness that as soon as I had received the ‘ discovered ’ documents I was to show them to no one but to come straight to him , so that he should be the first person to know who the culprit was or what information was available that would lead to the culprit 's identity .
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