Example sentences of "i [am/are] [adv] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Dr. Ethelwynn Trewavas , well-known to cichlid keepers for her work on African Cichlids , and I are now collaborating on a paper on this subject .
2 I am also talking from a perspective of the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering and it 's concern for children generally .
3 As I oversee the finishing touches of this Christmas issue of Pipeline , I am also preparing for a special production of my own !
4 I am here to act as a … a chairman , an impartial chairman , and I 've let myself be carried away .
5 I am here to work in a London drama academy , to teach — ah , yes — deportment .
6 If I am introduced as ’ Gill 's husband ’ , I am treated in a certain way ; if I am introduced as a Member of Parliament , I am generally treated in a very different way .
7 I am not living in a bed of roses but in reality . ’
8 I am not looking for a ghost .
9 I am not thinking of a police scene-of-crime picture .
10 I am not suggesting for a moment that this kind of problem can be resolved merely by putting more resources in , but at the same time there is need to spend more money , perhaps .
11 It is possible that I am not sitting on a chair at all , but lying on a sofa .
12 The night is black and there are no streetlights , and I feel as though I am not driving on a road at all , but forcing my way through clotted bushes .
13 No , I am not going to a fancy dress party , but to work .
14 At that time , I could have got that girl a bed straight away in a decent place — I am not talking about a mattress on a floor .
15 As stressed earlier , I am not arguing for a revived regional geography per se , but rather for ‘ a regional perspective that informs all geographical activity ’ Johnston , 1990b , p. 135 ) .
16 Personally I am strongly committed to a primitive Christianity , but I know that I can not return to the total world-view of the primitive church .
17 Therefore I am now looking for a larger tank .
18 I am now working in a similar way with Ian .
19 I am now standing outside a gate , outside a window , looking into a life that does not belong to me , and I should rather look away .
20 Many of you , I know , believe Smott 's substitution after four minutes was because he was out of his depth , but I can assure you it is all part of my master plan which I am painstakingly developing on a game-by-game basis .
21 I am suddenly consumed with a ridiculous curiosity .
22 Everytime I am about to go to a cup match I imagine myself travelling back home feeling like shit .
23 I am irresistibly drawn to a magnetic puff of amnesia .
24 I am rapidly turning into a ghastly old queen ogling rent boys .
25 I 'm generally regarded as a lost cause by now . ’
26 Yet it is not too hard to imagine how a computer parsing program might achieve some such effect : if we ask an English speaker how he does it , we may well get some reply like ‘ Well , I 'm simply looking for a sense of the word related to drinking , are n't I ? ’
27 Er I 'm simply talking about a level playing field .
28 I feel I 'm just regarded as a neurotic woman I 've been told that by Mr I 've found that is was very yes I have do n't deny it .
29 I 'm just employed as a yard foreman .
30 Without thinking , I said , ‘ No thanks , I 'm just looking for a man . ’
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