Example sentences of "i [vb mod] not [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 But I 'll not bore you with second-hand accounts of the way he lives .
2 ‘ Of course nothing can be formally arranged just at this present , ’ went on Miss Merchiston , and Theda almost laughed out to see the burgeoning hope in the poor man 's face , ‘ for with dear Mama in this sad condition , I could not reconcile it with my conscience to leave her in the care of other hands .
3 I need not bore you with er , a recital of his many accomplishments , I just would single out one additional one , and that is , his sterling work for the Royal Society of Arts , er , its shorter name , erm , of which he has pioneered really , the development of an activity described as industry matters .
4 ‘ If Birkenhead stood alone , ’ Baldwin self-righteously pronounced , ‘ I would not touch him with a barge-pole . ’
5 There were other minor problems which I will not bore you with .
6 I will not bore you with going through a lot of slides showing those comparisons , but in a short paper erm you must take my word for it that the two groups were comparable .
7 I can not dignify him with the name of " physician " … should send to their doom many poor souls who might , with the proper treatment , recover ! "
8 Of all the species of dog in the world I can not place him with ownership of a Yorkie .
9 And I can not take you with me . ’
10 Then , ‘ I can not take you with me without the sorcerers ’ help , ’ he said .
11 I can not kiss you with Ellen forever present . ’
12 I can not accept it with any great tranquillity .
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