Example sentences of "i [vb mod] [verb] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I decided I must check with the local post office that the telegram had really been put into Barrymore 's own hands .
2 For a special meal I might start with the turmeric pies and follow with a crunchy salad and couscous from a health shop with vegetables or spring onions , salt and sultanas .
3 The two hour speech that I was going to make I , I cut down because of the weather so I think even though the sun is out , I 'll continue with the abbreviated version of it .
4 In fact I 'll change with the last record that I heard ; if I hear someone I really like on a record , or even at a gig before I play , then the chances are I 'll be playing some of his licks .
5 yeah , I 'll just er , I 'll make erm , I 'll , I 'll start with a full tank of petrol from
6 So I 'll start with the first one and I 'll pass it round and just put either the relaxing on one hand and the reviving on the other and you 'll have one hand relaxed the other one doing this .
7 I 'll finish with the perennial question — can Williams challenge the Ferraris and McLarens next season ?
8 I 'll stick with the perpendicular approach . ’
9 I think I 'll stick with the mashed potatoes really .
10 I could do with a hot drink or summat — I 'm froze .
11 He said ‘ I think I could do with a strong cup of coffee ’ ( to keep awake ) .
12 What I could do with a nice pint of porter ! ’
13 And then I could do with a nice pudding .
14 I could do with a nice sleep now .
15 I could do with a good laugh . ’
16 Well , I could do with a good box and that might put me in with a chance .
17 Yeah I could do with a good laugh , go on .
18 Oh cos Sal and at speech day she goes God she goes I could do with a good screw .
19 I could do with a new duvet for our bed .
20 ‘ He showed them Viet Cong a thing or two , I could do with a few like 'im round 'ere . ’
21 There are n't that many , but I could do with a few more clothes . ’
22 I could do with a little bit up here pall .
23 It was only after the resolution which this experience brought that I could say with a new reality , ‘ This God is my God . ’
24 ‘ I tell you , there are times when I could agree with the good doctor of Norwich , old Tom Browne , that it were better if we humans propagated in the manner of trees .
25 ‘ That season ’ , he reckons , ‘ I discovered I had something to offer ; that I could play with the big boys .
26 If it helps my blood pressure I could live with the cold
27 " No , " I 'd say with a mysterious air .
28 I used to work with an ex-BBC engineer who revelled in the fact that , in his day , Radio 3 , which was deemed by many hi-fi buffs as tonal nirvana , emanated from studios with ageing turntables and consoles , odd lengths of disparate signal cable were employed and much of it was held together with string and Sellotape .
29 I was lucky that she was in most of my lessons but the lessons that she was n't in I would sit with the other friends from Stonham Aspel .
30 ( Sections 7,8 ) : I would replace with a single section :
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