Example sentences of "i [was/were] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I was invited to attend as a ‘ participating observer ’ and the time I spent in the Social Studies group , I remember as one of the most exciting and productive in my educational experience , marred only by the fact that the conference had to end a little early because the money ran out .
2 A few months ago , I was invited to collaborate in a New Age book project , with several people I would have loved to work with .
3 Furthermore , the reading I did for the lectures I was called to give as a ‘ drugs expert ’ generated queries about such ambiguous areas as victimless crimes and interference in private acts , and altogether raised more questions than were solved .
4 I was made to feel like a woman .
5 After much remonstrating during which I was told very kindly and politely that there was no problem , till I felt like tearing my hair out , I was sent to sit in a corner ( just a woman you see ) and Mr Fleming was ushered off to meet an official , rush off somewhere and come back with a piece of paper which was duly stamped , passport returned , and off we went to meet our contact , who explained in a jocular fashion that I was the problem .
6 I was caused to go for a walk to get some fresh m-m-m-m-m-m —
7 So er well If you want to tell me , if I was starting as a riveter boy , right , if I was wanting to start as a riveter boy , what would I do ?
8 I would make it clear that I was seeking to build upon a solid platform of achievement — whether true or not — with gradual developments that can be understood and accepted from the outset .
9 I knitted one particular pattern so many times that I dreaded another order as I was beginning to feel like a factory worker .
10 I was beginning to feel like a ritual sacrifice .
11 The French expedition guides were determined not to be defeated by the River Coruh , rated as one of the ten best white water rafting rivers in the world , and I was determined to stay in a raft for more than 20 seconds .
12 and I should warn you that once I was asked to go to a , a series of lectures in a certain cathedral on the seven deadly sins , because the Canon who invited me said he wanted a married man who was good on lust !
13 But , when I was asked to go on a demonstration years ago , I did n't because I just do n't see gender as a problem .
14 Fifteen years later I was asked to speak in a St Andrew 's Day debate being put out by BBC Television in Edinburgh .
15 Some time later , I was persuaded to try for a spot in the formidable writer 's Waterloo that is the NME Subs ' Room .
16 I was going to ask for a couple of hours off and then he says , oh do n't bother !
17 We 'd had dinner and were on our way back to the hotel when I told him I was going to go for a walk before going to bed .
18 You really think I was going to fall for a line like that and hand Barry over to you ? ’
19 I was n't going to rush around buying horribly expensive things like smoke salmon that I could n't afford , I was going to do a big family feast and I was going to get in a few games like the monopoly or lotto or you know , I just , I have n't worked it out but I thought oh what fun
20 And there was a point where I was going to look for a job , drift off and forget about it .
21 Erm and I feel that for no good reason I was forced to go through a major surgery .
22 So he 'd be sure to realise I was planning to sleep with a lover .
23 At least I was allowed to sleep in a separate room from them .
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