Example sentences of "i [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I made to go down the stairs to see what was happening .
2 But the great hikes we undertake on our holidays , usually in the Highlands of Scotland , or some other bleak , wet , cold hill country that I got to know in the days when I used to go climbing by myself ( and there 's another subject we might discuss ! ) , habitually entail a complex of discomfort , exhaustion , irritation , confusion , sheer misery and intense exhilaration so closely intertwined that I shall have to leave them to be considered on another occasion .
3 So I got to stay with the dogs and
4 I tried to explain about the break-ins , the gangs , the violence but he was adamant .
5 I tried to go to the ladies ' room .
6 I tried to play on the drums , I 'm not too good at that .
7 I turned to look through the windows .
8 Then I began to run into the guards , and every guard I saw , I did n't say anything , I just showed them the piece of paper which had written on it Hotel Intourist in Russian , and the phrase book .
9 I began to think about the changes the coming wedding would bring .
10 The problem , as I began to discover over the years , does n't lie with the composer , it lies with the interpreters and what is expected from the interpreters by people who have dubious taste .
11 I decided to go for the pills first , but after three months I was still in agony so I went for the laser operation .
12 ‘ Sounds as though I was right when I decided to poke into the activities of INCUBUS — and Hauser … ’
13 I decided to talk to the teachers in their year groups to elicit their personal views of questioning .
14 I decided to write to the Grocers ' Company about the matter .
15 I was paid by the dry weight and you can imagine how many bucketfuls I needed to scrape off the rocks to earn myself any return at all .
16 I started to think of the stories Henry Mendez had told about Russell , piecing little bits of it together now .
17 It mattered not that after weeks of interviews with 35 Palestinian families in Lebanon , I chose to write about the experiences only of those who had no immediate connection with the Palestinian guerrilla movement .
18 For the community work I went to help with the Mothers and Toddlers group that was held next door to the school .
19 It was funny though , when I went to get on the scales everybody went phew
20 When I dared to go to the scales I discovered that I had lost a further ten pounds in five days .
21 When I was little I learned to swim in the ponds of the Romney Marshes , behind Dungeness .
22 I shall not attempt to repeat what I said then , for repetition makes bores of us all in the House ; I am glad , however , that the scepticism that greeted what I had to say about the benefits of a single European currency has since been replaced by understanding and support in several quarters .
23 Once the semantics of police experience were revealed , I had to live with the problems experienced by both Castenada and Favret-Saada , although I demur from casting myself into their intellectual companionship .
24 At very long meetings , punctuated by the arrival of quite excellent sandwiches — for me the most unhealthy of all foodstuffs — I had to listen to the outpourings of the leading fanatics in the medical profession ; to the timorous intervention of the moderates ; and happily to the constant , wise and soothing interventions of Derek Damerell , the chief executive of BUPA , to whom the country owes a debt that has never received proper recognition .
25 I had to see as the wagons in the coals as it shifting , not falling off you see .
26 and the Stationmaster 's office faced the platform but there is another door that to get into as soon as you got in the main door to the left , you see and with a flap and that 's the door that we used to take in the parcels , you see and very often we used to go in that door or sometimes we would go through o on to the platform and go in the Stationmaster 's door , you see and then there again , if I took messages to the Stationmaster on the single telegraph er I had to go down the steps because th more often than not that they were in the basement .
27 I had to go to the doctors , carrying on , outside everything
28 That morning , when the doctor saw I had to go with the pirates to find the treasure , he had left the squire to look after the captain , then took Gray and Ben Gunn with him to be ready to help us .
29 Mind you , mind you I went er through Newark the other day and I had to go round the mountains to get back on that road out to Lincoln .
30 ‘ I 'm sorry , truly I am , but I had to look after the boys .
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