Example sentences of "i [vb base] to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I repair to the bank with the intention of changing some more dollars and wave the wad of readies at the teller as well .
2 Can we talk about job description , because I am not clear about those , I mean to the end of the audit , I , I rang up to day and asked about whether the , who should be signing them .
3 I plummet to the bottom of a deep , deep well .
4 okay , sentence , sentence , I want to the end of the sentence .
5 I object to the principle of the PLR not because I wish to do hardworking authors out of money — I would be eligible for PLR but I have declined to register on principle . ’
6 I object to the intrusion into my life .
7 When I listen to the sound of this sea , I sense that I am a voyager and this sound is a wind in the sails of a ship .
8 ‘ At present I look to the judiciary for advice on the time to be served to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence and to the Parole Board for advice on risk .
9 I must also emphasise that the answer I give to the question before me will be of general application .
10 I bequeath to the Association for the Propagation of the Faith , English Branch , the sum of £ and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or National Director ( for the time being ) shall be a good discharge .
11 I run to the house with Mrs Gould and we get everybody — my mum and dad and the other guests — to come down to the river .
12 I add to the atmosphere by coming back into the room , closing the door and leaning against it , staring .
13 Everyone stands at one end of the pool , and when it is time to start I swim to the end of the pool and come back .
14 It actually takes some time before I get to the stage of asking for his name , the date or details of the place where he lives .
15 I refer to the case of Mustapha Akkawi , who was killed after being tortured in prison just over a week ago .
16 I refer to the decision of the European Court of Justice , in Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. San Giorgio S.p.A .
17 I refer to the decision of the Labour Group that in the first instance all Conference items should be submitted to the Labour Group Executive for approval before being placed on a committee agenda .
18 I refer to the decision in respect of roads and the environment and to the prospective legislation that will put railways into the same category , especially in relation to the channel link .
19 I refer to the type of work produced by the fugitive and clandestine presses which , in their nature , usually had a ready and eager public not too scrupulous in its handling of reading matter .
20 I refer to the way in which higher education , as an institution within society , acts not just as a vehicle for economic reproduction within the social classes , but also as a means of ‘ cultural reproduction ’ .
21 Sir : I refer to the dropping of charges against the man accused of raping a mentally handicapped girl on the grounds she was not of fit mind to answer questions and give evidence ( 4 October ) .
22 Twelve one deals with the recommendation for economic developments and tourism sub-committee , er the er projects , and twelve two with the er , capital budget report from the director of financial services , which is in the budget book , I refer to the recommendation on these items from the budget review sub-committee , which is in their minutes , at agenda item twenty-two one , at the bottom of the third page and going over to the fourth , erm , a number of paragraphs .
23 Like the hon. Member for Fife , Central , I refer to the exemption of small employers with a payroll of less than £45,000 .
24 I REFER to the controversy over the Prebend Row bus stop area .
25 I refer to the article by Sir Nicholas Fairbairn ( ‘ The wronged losing the right to redress , ’ 4 March ) concerning the Government 's proposals to reduce the financial eligibility limits for legal aid .
26 I refer to the article in your August edition , page 49 , regarding Kittyhawk IV with markings GA- ?
27 I REFER to the photo of six Defiants in echelon starboard in the August issue .
28 I refer to the ceremony of offering the door , the chair or the right-hand seat in the coach " .
29 I REFER to the report about bus companies threatening to boycott the Skerne Park estate in Darlington over speed calming measures ( Echo February 7 ) .
30 High-speed risk I refer to the report about the court case in York concerning the fatal road accident involving an ambulance and a cyclist ( Echo February 21 ) .
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