Example sentences of "i [vb base] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean we even get bored with the knitting .
2 I mean we just talk normal .
3 I mean we never did any French trips .
4 I mean you see all these mountains and I mean it just looks that beautiful and
5 Oh , I always wonder about that , I never know whether it 's correct I mean it certainly sounds better as you said , she did n't take her hand away , but I always find that when I 'm writing something down , I 'm torn , if it 's dialogue I want to say they did n't , could n't and all things come in .
6 I mean you ca n't actually examine the options without asking the question so , I mean I just think that 's a rather foolish point to introduce into a into the debate there .
7 you know , I , I could n't bring all the fish I mean I just put some on the table I could n't bring all the champion of champions
8 Presum I mean I just lost four
9 And I think you 'll agree , it is a difficult I mean I always stress this point about attitude , that a lot of problems that we get in our advice centres have been made worse because the customer has caused er you know argument or a scene
10 It 's not quite the pressure , I mean I always find those two pages which is facts and that 's it but that 's the new dimension to it so that helps a lot .
11 But I mean I say , I do n't know how true that is , I mean I only heard that through somebody else .
12 I have n't spoken to erm , I mean I only thought this coming along in the street , whether there 's anybody sort of notable , I mean is it , is , is , is there any value in actually having a figurehead type chairman you know , sort of celebrity type
13 I mean I only had one bad knee but then this time I got two .
14 But it , yeah , I mean I quite take all of these qualifications but if sh if you take the first couple of paragraphs does n't it seem to be a call to , to radical land reform ?
15 I 'm not commenting still not commenting on local issues , but I mean I quite see that acceptable to Mid Sussex and I 'm not doubting the recommendation but erm we 've actually sixty three thousand right sixty three thousand square metres and the other councils took the attitude that we would be nowhere near achieving structure plan and I find myself absolutely clearly what happened in other comebacks they were only going to produce three , two thirds or three quarters of your
16 I mean I personally think that .
17 I think you mean , I mean you just want these .
18 At present , there 's no denying that sectional conferences need some guidelines , I mean you only need one experience like last year 's Apex conference to realize that .
19 There are a number of , sort of a dictionary of useful phrases , I mean you actually used one or two just now , and one of the things that we suggest is that people when they 're not under the pressure of being in the studio , which after all for them is alien territory , that they should actually have one or two of these useful phrases which do cover a , a multitude of embarrassing situations , if you want to put it that away .
20 He , it , it is , he gets on very well with her , I mean he only sees each other
21 I mean she never liked that car .
22 I expect they just put two and two together and went on from there . ’
23 A Swordtails will be fine with your selection of fish , although I suggest you only keep one male and three or four females .
24 I want you ter take this letter ter your sister Mary .
25 In this chapter I show you how to create some of the basic design shapes used to make pressed flower pictures .
26 I hope I never go deaf and have to wear a hearing-aid ; it will sound like the Atlantic rollers crashing up over the rocks at Land 's End .
27 I hope I never like that !
28 I suspect you really have three children , not two the third one being your husband .
29 I suspect you really have three children , not two the third one being your husband .
30 I know we still say that is defining levels .
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