Example sentences of "i [vb base] [vb pp] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout that period I 've canvassed for the Labour Party , I 've campaigned for the Labour Party , I 've argued for the Labour Party and one of the items that made me join the Labour Party and one of the items I got other people to join the Labour Party was that Labour was a mass Party , because it consisted of hundreds of thousands of individual members and it consisted of millions of trade unionists .
2 Throughout that period I 've canvassed for the Labour Party , I 've campaigned for the Labour Party , I 've argued for the Labour Party and one of the items that made me join the Labour Party and one of the items I got other people to join the Labour Party was that Labour was a mass Party , because it consisted of hundreds of thousands of individual members and it consisted of millions of trade unionists .
3 It was the funniest sight I 've seen for a long while , but hardly fair on the birds … .
4 Inner : one of the best inners I 've seen for a long time .
5 He 's the nicest man I 've met for a long time .
6 ‘ So I 've arranged for a whistle-stop tour around the country houses of some influential contacts , and there are one or two long-standing debts and favours due to me that I 'm going to call in over this weekend . ’
7 erm I 've arranged for an independent assessor to view this vehicle , and the view of that independent assessor is this is a straightforward claim against the insurance company , and I at the moment am pursuing that , so it 's a little bit of a conflict of interest that one , but that does give you some background on that particular case .
8 Throughout that period I 've canvassed for the Labour Party , I 've campaigned for the Labour Party , I 've argued for the Labour Party and one of the items that made me join the Labour Party and one of the items I got other people to join the Labour Party was that Labour was a mass Party , because it consisted of hundreds of thousands of individual members and it consisted of millions of trade unionists .
9 Well I 've worked for the past two year really
10 ‘ I 'll cope , I expect , I 've coped for the past year … ’
11 first thing I 've had for a long time is er that .
12 I wonder — I 've wondered for a long time — was I right , or was I wrong ?
13 Archbishop Eames said : ‘ I have believed for a long time there is a crying need for the Churches to examine the problem of sectarianism in depth .
14 I will feel a greater feeling of personal well being … a greater feeling of personal safety … and security … than I have felt for a long , long time .
15 I have felt for a long time that the only way this issue was going to be resolved was to have it fixed on a political level — that it would n't just fade away .
16 This case raises serious and complex moral issues and I have asked for a detailed study of the House of Lords judgement in the light of Catholic moral teaching .
17 On a video-film made at Highlander entitled ‘ Save our Land and People , ’ a variety of these groups speak to each other about their own problems and possible solutions , hopes and fears , and I think it is no accident that some of the most beautiful music and evocative songs which I have heard for a long time comes from these people .
18 ‘ Marcus is the best young athlete and talent I have seen for a long time , ’ said Allison .
19 If you saw it over the weekend I mean there was I think it was group sex er it was it wa was gay sex and it was all going on I mean it was all I thought it was the most exciting thing I have seen for a long time to be quite honest .
20 This has been one of the best Friday debates that I have attended for a long time .
21 This is a pity because his book was one of the most interesting textbooks I have read for a long time .
22 It was the best experience I have had for a long time . ’
23 All I know is what I have known for the past two years : there is no reason at all for the blindness .
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