Example sentences of "i [vb base] [pron] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's what I expect for you to be able to work , really hard , get your homework done , work hard in your exams , I expect you to go to college .
2 I might say ‘ Yes he s good and I want him to play for Leeds ’ .
3 I want nothing to do with people who are trying to destroy the image , wealth and morality of Italy . ’
4 In this sermon on prayer , I want us to think about prayer as a two-way conversation in which we talk to God and in which we listen to him as well .
5 I want you to live in peace .
6 ‘ I know it 's been a long day but I want you to drive to Sion tonight .
7 Gon na ask you to do an exercise now er it 'll it 'll take us to four o'clock before we start talking about assertiveness what I 'm gon na ask you to do is in one , two three , one two in two twos and a three I want you to put on paper one side one sheet of paper to sum up all the things we 've done about communication so far today and it 's going to other people on this course , and it 's going to be marked by one of them on this course .
8 He 's alive and well and at present in the Tower of London which is why I want you to go to England for me .
9 ‘ John , I want you to go to Buller 's Hill House and find out where they all are .
10 I want you to go for dinner with me . ’
11 I want you to talk to Beryl Garland .
12 I want you to talk to people . ’
13 She was waiting in the yard and she said , ‘ I want you to look at Angharad .
14 I want you to come to Pepe 's with me . ’
15 Once the film has stopped I want you to think of things which could occur to make the situation dangerous to you as the driver of the car .
16 " I want you to stay in bed Patrick , let's try and get rid of that cold before morning . "
17 I want you to get in touch with the Mayor and tell him I need to have the Council offices opened up .
18 ‘ Celia , I want you to get in touch with Ronnie Thrale at London Weekend .
19 This is a fax I want you to send to Ian in Aiden Mouth and it reads as follows good afternoon Ian , at long last I 've been able to get down to this memo of yours , dated the thirtieth alt can you please let me know the actual deliveries ' figures in the first part of this memo .
20 And that 's what I want you to feel like Mandy I do n't want you to feel that you 've got ta do things for me .
21 Yeah , and I know what to do with cheques and credit cards .
22 I can work a till and I know what to do with cheques and credit cards .
23 I can work a till and I know what to do with cheques and credit cards when people pay .
24 I tell them to pay in metal , it is easier for me to negotiate , but they always reply that it 's too hard for them to get .
25 I ask you to walk through life with me , to be my constant companion . ’
26 I have also been told I am photogenic and I love anything to do with hair and make-up .
27 Drinking it , I wonder what to do about Marianne since this is an all-male affair and I am reluctant to leave .
28 ‘ I will keep calling you boy , because that 's all you are and I repeat , I forbid you to go into Newcastle with Mick Smith .
29 I 've nothing to do until Monday , so why do n't you stay over , Robert ?
30 I have nothing to do with Maria Luisa 's being hurt .
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