Example sentences of "i [vb base] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what I mean by attention to detail .
2 I will expand on what I mean by discourse in Chapter 10 but here it is sufficient to say that ‘ discourse ’ refers to the structured features of cultural processes when groups of signs become signifying elements in themselves .
3 I mean from rig to rig things work differently and I mean on on Piper , I would say there were probably things that could have been tightened up but then again I do n't think they were part and parcel of what happened and there on July the sixth .
4 I say with caution for tuck and slip , because you have to consider how many rows any particular needle will tuck or slip .
5 I say with caution on slip and punch lace , since doubling the width of slip can give very long messy floats with some patterns , while with punch lace it can give too many stitches , side by side , knitted only with the fine yarn .
6 I report on tuberculosis in health care workers in central France .
7 I apologise on behalf of Council to the members of the press who are here , and to the Council officers who have to endure this and I am only grateful that there are not members of the public here to witness this total farce .
8 If they only want me to stay for a year then I 'm entitled to do what I want under freedom of contract .
9 I want to gorge on life with you , I want to take your strength from you and give you my care .
10 Among many blessings , which I count from time to time , is the good fortune of being born in this age of progress ‘ in all directions ’ and the fact that I was born with an innate curiosity .
11 I speak on behalf of Playback not as Playback itself , but as Playback being part of the Regional Council that can a bit , now I was at a meeting this morning where I , I sort of absolutely had to read the riot act about Playback because they do not have a set budget whether you know this or not , they do n't have a standard budget as they should have , we 've fought for this for years , what we do is , we survive through crisis to crisis , now some money has been extracted from the Playback budget and whilst I have to share two bits of Playback , you know , the , the actual Playback charitable , voluntary bit , and the Regional Council , I mean they , I , I can say that they do not have a backing of money that they can fall back on , too many backs there , but I mean really I would say that I would be concerned if it was Christmas before we were ready , I , I ca n't help but think if we could and I mean , very , very happy to work with , with anybody and everybody on this to try and get these things pulled up quite quickly , I mean if it 's forms to be filled in then
12 I look at quality of service everyday , ’ says Lloyd 's Marketing Director , Keith Furphy .
13 All I hear by way of reply are vague comments about massaging the unemployment figures .
14 I imagine , from what I know of life in Bom Jesus , that she probably thought of herself as fraca ( physically weak ) or fraca de juízo ( mentally weak ) and prone to ataque de nervos ( nervous attacks ) .
15 Yeah , I know like kind of thing
16 I like to independence with economics , you do n't have your independence without economic independence .
17 I refer to information regarding school buildings and equipment , to relevant financial information , to details of the type , number , education and training of teachers in an area , to languages understood and spoken , to the availability or scarcity of local resources .
18 I flit from flower to flower , and I pick up different things from different flowers . ’
19 But I believe in Freedom of Choice
20 I believe in freedom of expression for Dukes , Monsignors , Uncle Tom Cobley and all !
21 I believe in freedom of speech , fucking off for Ents , I 'm sure .
22 I suppose of course in fact the that sort of computing is is is fairly erm specialized is n't it
23 I suppose from day to day Constanza always did pretty well what she pleased , but Anna was always there .
24 This argument has its attractions , and I note by way of analogy with the statutory authority cases that it is only a nuisance inevitably resulting from the authorised works on which immunity is conferred .
25 I go to school by train .
26 Well actually what I 've been I 've been taking two before I go to bed at night .
27 When I go to bed at night I think of you , and of all the marvellous fun we had while you were still here .
28 buzzing in ears when I go to bed at night .
29 The only thing they do n't ask is what time I get up in the morning and what time I go to bed at night .
30 I 'll not go without for no one , even if I go to prison for life .
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