Example sentences of "i [modal v] [adv] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have calculated that selling the girdles at normal price — and in Leningrad this day I could get double the normal price at least — but at normal price I could still retire at the end of one day 's work .
2 But McGrath , who has had eight operations on his knees , revealed this could be his swansong , saying : ‘ I will decide at the end of the season , but I 'd rather quit at the top than drop down to a lower level , and the knees cause me a lot of pain .
3 The ex-Manchester United star admitted : ‘ I 'd rather quit at the top than drop to a lower level .
4 I would rather stay at a good bed & breakfast than in several five-star hotels I could name .
5 I would certainly jump at the chance of a career in football .
6 I would never cry at the sight of a battered Rover , nor shiver in the sad vacancy of a council estate .
7 I will now look at the ridiculousness of The Queen 's Croquet Ground .
8 I will certainly look at the point that my hon. Friend has mentioned .
9 Er , Madam Speaker I 'm very much aware of the case that the my honourable friend has er mentioned because he has written to me er about it and I have looked into the circumstances er of it and I understand that the employment service have made no final decision on that particular site and I 'd be happy to respond to my honourable friend er once I 've had a chance to discuss it further with the Chief Executive of the employment service whose responsibility it is but if I could just say to my honourable friend the principle of integrating er the work of the job centre and the payment of benefits on one site is a good one which is for the convenience of er people who make use of the job centres er and er as er er the honourable er gentleman , the member for Workington is indicating from a sedentary position , was a recommendation which was supported by the public accounts er committee and I believe and I believe that it er makes sense to proceed on a value for money basis with this policy but I will certainly look at the particular example in my honourable friend 's constituency with interest .
10 I also set up a room for the program under review , so I can just click at the side of the screen and move to it .
11 Right okay , so if I can just look at the details for each of them .
12 Through the vapours I can even grasp at the idea that the hatred and malice of my enemies , their whisperings and pointings , are but emanations of one of the form , of love .
13 So down at squadron level we had this very much in our minds when in time the orders came down through Group , through station , right to the people who had to do the carting and the bombing , I feel I should explain right at the outset that I can only view at the later stages of the war the state of morale as I saw it in the entire Pathfinder Force .
14 I can only guess at the reason , ’ Becker said .
15 I can only wonder at the fish that would have been caught when the river had fully fined down .
16 ‘ I have nothing any more I can only look at the pictures ’
17 I can only look at the pictures .
18 There followed the longest silence I can ever recall at a seance .
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