Example sentences of "i [modal v] [vb infin] [verb] you [art] " in BNC.

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1 I may have to send you a hundred miles to Aberdeen .
2 Or are you saying I should have given you a child ? ’
3 I should have given you the benefit of the doubt . ’
4 ‘ I suppose I should have given you the choice before I took matters into my own hands . ’
5 I should have told you the Huns have balloons the way you have the runs , but they are short of skilled observers ?
6 I should have taken you a walk tonight .
7 I should have brought you a present , ’ she said .
8 I might have made you a loan , or found some other way to help you out . ’
9 I 'll need to give you an antibiotic as well Jane
10 I 'll need to give you an antibiotic as well Jane
11 I 'll need to show you the ropes . ’
12 Oh I 'll have to give you a fiver .
13 I 'll have to give you a mark off for that .
14 Well obviously I 'll have to give you the illustrations .
15 Oh I always give you first cup , I 'll have to give you the last one then .
16 Oh , I can see I 'll have to teach you a thing or two about the Royal Navy . ’
17 Oh I 'll have to put you a pair in you two .
18 But I 'll have to tell you a bit of my history .
19 I think I could bear losing you a line better if you had belonged to me , even for a short while . "
20 I think I could afford to pay you a rhinu a day . ’
21 ‘ If you 'd asked , I could have saved you the trouble , ’ said Connor pleasantly .
22 And I could have given you a bad one Dr I could have given you a good one .
23 And I could have given you a bad one Dr I could have given you a good one .
24 I could have told you every single item of food I had in the cupboard every , down to the last bean !
25 I 'd have given you a reference , Cameron , ’ she says quietly .
26 ‘ If you were n't Eddie 's kid sister I 'd have given you a far harder ride for what you 've just accused me of this evening , so do n't push your luck , Dr Kate Ash , because you might come to regret it ! ’
27 ‘ If I 'd known you were going to be so quick I 'd have given you a lift . ’
28 ‘ Come to think of it I 'd have given you the oranges even if you 'd said no . ’
29 Well if you 've do , If I 'd known I 'd have bought you a , a clamp over for you
30 I 'd have to know you a lot better before telling you such things . ’
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