Example sentences of "i [be] [verb] [to-vb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am going to give it to her son .
2 I am going to send it to Sarah when it 's finished and the final word on its fate will be hers .
3 if it 's really tight , slipping the clutch in first and what I 'm trying to do is I 'm trying to control it on the accelerator , you ca n't do it .
4 but I do n't see , I 'm trying to make it like a genetic connection or something I mean or some kind of like you know I mean to me it 's just set up
5 So now I 'm trying to tell it to this pad he bought me this morning .
6 And I 'm trying to get it through your arrogant skull that I 'm not in the market for a casual roll in the hay just because we happen to be sharing a villa for a few days ! ’
7 ‘ Dorothy , I 'm trying to clear it with university administration that Paul should join our staff .
8 To tell you the truth I was a bit miffed when I found out , but now I 'm beginning to see it from their point of view .
9 Er I 'd store it and use it with whatever I 'm asked to use it with .
10 No , but you 've got the tool I 'm saying to keep it under control
11 ‘ In the Antarctic , I 'm going to carry it under my clothes .
12 I 'm going to leave it like that for a couple of hours .
13 I 'm going to put it under
14 Now I should be able to say ten take away , I 'm going to write six in here , instead of six I 'm going to put it as nine take away three .
15 ’ Clearly , Adam was only reluctantly willing to share his plans with his parents , ‘ Since you ask , I 'm going to go down and take a look at it as soon as I can and then I 'm going to put it on the market . ’
16 If you do and they complete a report and give you their best advice you can still say no thank you I 'm going to put it in the building society .
17 This has a lovely , but er I think I 'm going to put it in the back because my er arrangement is rather heavy , and I do n't want it to fall over .
18 Well as I say , I 'm going to put it in the big one once a year .
19 Well I 'm going to do it from a black point of view . ’
20 Noel ran onto the platform and said : ‘ The last ex-Italian prime minister 's speech was so good I 'm going to repeat it in Maltese to make sure you do n't miss any of it . ’
21 Steve , I 'm going to give it to you first this time That 's right , yes , that 's good , So you can actually throw away the cover sheet , you , you really do n't need that .
22 Well there 's no point in me watching it if I 'm going to record it for you .
23 I 'm going to exhibit it in an art gallery in Paris soon . ’
24 I 'm going to multiply it by another number which also happens to be a hundred to the power a half .
25 No , it 's got to be right , right , er big and I 'm going to stuff it with a plank of wood and put I 've got about two bushes and what the problem is , is you 've got get
26 I 'm going to spray it over M C !
27 Okay , so I 'm going to do ten take away , now I 'll put some brackets where that six was I do n't want to write a six , I 'm going to write it as five add one .
28 I would recommend to Ran that perhaps he does not go on such a big trip again , and I 'm going to recommend it to myself . ’
29 ‘ Well , you do n't think I 'm going to keep it in the fridge , do you ? ’
30 Well I hope so anyway because I 'm not going to play erm international football at left back , I 'm going to play it at centre half , so hopefully erm Terry scouts will be watching me .
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