Example sentences of "i [verb] it as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 so he goes , no he goes I , I mean it as a slovenly woman , like you 're
2 ‘ But when I tried it as a young kid I could n't even hit the pitch for several years .
3 Personally , I regarded it as a good thing .
4 I picture it as a large , grey , multi-headed dragon .
5 I felt it as a great loss because even after her retirement she remained a wonderful source of advice and inspiration to young singers .
6 I had been there and I knew it as a beautiful seaside resort , but that was n't why I was so delighted .
7 I saw it as an exciting challenge and a chance to be nearer the business .
8 I use it as a listening device — a rabbit and ferret locator .
9 But I , I mean I use it as a , that may be the psychology behind it , but I use it as a bad example of , for obvious reasons , and there 's a real bad example , and there may be some politics behind it , there 's What I think is a good example : ‘ Southeast Arts ’ sorry , ‘ Southeast Tourist Board , South of England Board . ’
10 Foolishly , I took it as a good sign .
11 Whenever that happens , rather than going back to the track I play something else that will fit , or I leave it as an improvisational section , so to speak .
12 Sometimes I think it as a transcendent sound which speaks of unknown powers , of cosmic storms and sun winds sighing in the brain .
13 I try to justify it in terms of training the intellect to think in an abstract and critical way , so I regard it as a general education .
14 Having seen some of what went on with secondary picketing in the 1970s , I regard it as the unacceptable face of socialism .
15 At the time I accepted it as a marvellous background for the all-important hunting , though too young really to appreciate this privileged glimpse of Indian court life .
16 It is therefore a matter which lies within my discretion as to whether or not I take it as a late objection .
17 I take it as a last question , comment .
18 ‘ My Lords , I have already disclaimed the intention of discussing the scope of the rule in O'Reilly v. Mackman but , even if I treat it as a general rule , there are many indications in favour of a liberal attitude towards the exceptions contemplated but not spelt out by Lord Diplock .
19 I see it as a personal thing . ’
20 I myself have no inclinations towards mysticism whatsoever : I see it as a conscious attempt to transcend the exigencies of the material world , including poverty , in the interest or pursuit of some higher mode of consciousness .
21 I see it as a silly gesture springing from her work in advertising , the promotion of appearance over substance .
22 The sunlight is falling like a gentle rain and I see it as a silent , unpolluting fuel ; which when it reaches the ground bursts forth in leaves and flowers and is the strength which upholds the trees , and if it failed , all life would fail .
23 His view of contemporary comedy as a whole is equally oblique : ‘ I see it as a very , very long trench with a worm and a piece of hot bacon nearby . ’
24 In fact , as things stand I see it as the only course for you to take …
25 He said : ‘ I have been waiting for the last three years for an opportunity like this and I see it as the right time in my career to take it .
26 I see it as the ultimate gesture . ’
27 And I 'll do mine so I had three sixty and I split it as a ten times thirty six and then I had two times five for that ten okay ca n't go any further there .
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