Example sentences of "i [verb] look [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I avoided looking at the thermometer .
2 Imagine my shock when , just as I 'd begun thumping the bottom of the big brown pot , I chanced to look inside the bin and there , half buried in rubbish , was Cymbeline 's red plastic teapot .
3 I mean looking at a book and see the distance between , in there they give you the distance between Leeds , Ipswich , Leicester and Scotland and then you come to kilometres and
4 I mean looking at the game you just could n't believe United would only get a point out of it erm when you went in at half time only one nil up , you so dominated the game I do n't think Charlton had a chance did they ?
5 There 's erm And I mean looking after the parish hall as well , why should we bother with that ?
6 I mean look at the chain of events which is bullshit .
7 because I think er Mr 's motion is erm , similar to er Rosie 's erm except that , I mean I think what we 're actually saying is that we do actually have a number of waste planning sort of policy panel , er and this is something look , needs to be looked at in , in some detail , erm and if we just do it via a sort of straight report to the Environment Committee and I mean look at the sort of agenda we 've got today er you know how much time can we spend on the details so I mean I hope the Liberal Democrats would accept that erm yes it will obviously come to the Environment Committee eventually er but that it actually should go to the Waste Planning to the Policy panel and other bits no doubt to the Waste Disposal sort of Sub Committee for this is the policy er committee of course .
8 I mean look at the difference from that and Friday .
9 I mean look at the adjudicator at .
10 So that he ca n't see what 's going on , cos she thinks if he do n't see what 's going on he wo n't bark , but he cries but I mean she should n't have them there , she 's never here so she should n't have them , I mean look at the trouble Alan had to get Jessie , because they worked , but Emma goes home every lunch time to see to Jessie from the bank , but I mean the woman one of them would n't let her have a dog , one kennels , which is how it should be , but I mean this one breed those three herself so , yeah I mean if you breed dogs yourself and you have three in the house of the same breed , what the hell do you want an alsatian for , as well but the whole point is she do n't have them as enjoyment , she do n't have them as company
11 I hate looking at the meat , I hate touching it … ’
12 I tried to look at the scenery .
13 This seemed to me to be a pretty fair definition of hell , but I tried to look like a man who enjoyed such occasions .
14 I moved to look for the girl .
15 Firstly I want to look at the idea of partnership .
16 I want to look like a racehorse and have long hair and Jim , that 's what I want .
17 I stopped to look at the shore .
18 ‘ We toured the Transport Museum , ’ said Peter , ‘ and Alexander Karaulov and I stopped to look at the autogyro on display .
19 I came to look at the gravestone . ’
20 I was determined to get him , and must have been concentrating so intently on his movements that , like a fool , I forgot to look in the mirror until it was too late .
21 ‘ The most extraordinary thing happened , ’ he explained , ‘ I was sitting here ( at his desk in Kensington palace ) , and I happened to look at the bookshelf , and my eyes settled on a book about Paracelsus .
22 ‘ Well , then , ’ he went on , ‘ much as I enjoy looking at the top of your head , I did ask a question .
23 So I began to look for a husband .
24 When I come to paint , I like to look at the drawing ; then I put it away and do n't look at it again , because I do n't want even the drawing to influence too much the progress of the painting .
25 I remember looking at a graph showing the complications of the financing of the community charge .
26 I remember looking at the back of Don 's anorak and seeing Made in England and thinking , I wish I was back there . ’
27 I heard , when I started looking into the project at first that erm , the women used to do most of the weaving but you do n't actually do the weaving now , and they used to basically you know make up the , the larger part of the work force , is that the case now ?
28 Er , well it 's not so much that , I keep looking at the clock and then we 'll he 'll be , he 'll
29 I went looking at a house the other day and it backed on to a lake .
30 He was so frightened that I went to look for the animal .
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