Example sentences of "i [verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I got to know the blobs and wiggles in that rough circle that looked like a sample from an oil slick , until I could draw them blindfold , and I began to visualize them inside me .
2 I tried to make the noises that they made , and slowly I began to speak .
3 After I 'd got used to the idea I helped to count the sticks and tie them up in bundles .
4 I helped to milk the cows and then took them out to the field .
5 Yeah you see what I want to do the arrears that I 've got with him
6 I want to check the tyres and that as well .
7 Not only do I want to know the story but I want to know the whys and wherefores .
8 I heard the words of the Bible so often — in those days we also had RI , Religious Instruction — I came to love the stories and the literature .
9 I forgot to do the parsnips when I did the potatoes , but I think they 'll be
10 Contrast the English praise of a widow at a funeral , ‘ she held up well ’ , with the ritualised outpouring of Iranian grief , complete with howling , wailing and tearing of hair — ‘ What am I going to answer the children when you ask me where is their father ?
11 I like to see the goods before I make a decision and have a point of reference for returning them .
12 I like to know the farmers and their landscape — it 's the only way I can paint Wales . ’
13 My problem is that I like to make the things but ca n't possibly eat them all myself .
14 ‘ Look what the wonderful girl has done for me , my darlings , ’ Charles waved his hand to encompass the entire cast , ‘ I can walk straight as a tree , no more will I have to endure the taunts and jeers of the ignorant , I am a new man . ’
15 Recently qualified and having had similar thoughts , I decided to examine the facts and find out for myself .
16 However , there is wide scope for creating designs with a botanical feel , and in the picture shown on the facing page , I decided to use the leaves and buds that were picked from the same plant as the main flowers , thus creating a design that was botanically correct .
17 I pretend to recognise the names because it pleases him , but I feel awkward being in the same room after finding the medicines , going through her belongings .
18 I managed to leave the children and travel straight to my mother 's to help her make all the arrangements .
19 My credit card bills all arrived simultaneously , as usual , and some hours passed before I managed to disentangle the statements and envelopes from a considerable volume of frivolous and , one would have thought , peripheral material .
20 I went to close the curtains and found the windows sealed with silver insulating tape .
21 I was damn good I knew everything , first I had to watch the accounts and secondly I 'm looking at all this stuff for when I start my business
22 Because of the weight of the finished panels , I had to assemble the sides and build the roof in situ , so I enlisted some help .
23 I had to water the plants and stock up the fridge as I do n't want to be reported to the NSPCC .
24 There was also the anxiety of discovering where I was to sit in chapel ; then I had to learn the names and whereabouts of the different houses and of the scattered playing fields .
25 We rode in the field for the first two weeks , and then I had to face the roads and the tractors .
26 I was only a lad , I was er a messenger boy on the loading deck and I used to have to go down to at Beskett and fetch parts for the planes and er plates , aluminium plates , to be normalized which was a treatment when they put them into the vats and I had to fetch the films as well , from the house that used to be a warehouse for films over in er in by the beacon , great bar !
27 But fascinated as I was by these aquatic birds , I longed to see the falcons and owls I 'd seen at the zoo flying free , and this is a rare occurrence .
28 I wish to remove the proposals that discriminate against larger farms , against the United Kingdom , against northern farms , against specialists and against the position in , for example , Spain , Portugal and eastern Germany .
29 I hope you enjoyed that discussion I mean well first of all if you live in the Selby area it 's been of relevance to you and you 've managed to hear what both sides are saying but I I hope even if you do n't live in the Selby area it 's er you 've er found it as fascinating as I have to hear the pros and cons of such a complex issue .
30 I wanted to sculpt the stalactites but we could not find the sculptors .
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