Example sentences of "i [verb] [to-vb] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well-launched as it was , I regret to report that the organization of China-Canada Inc. seemed to die of inactivity after its founder left for China in 1946 ; it was , after all , very much of a one-man show and the big names on all the committees were more or less honorary only .
2 I regret to note that the removal of the stop at 120 Nicolson Street makes it less convenient for you to shop at Low 's supermarket .
3 Groggily I tried to turn as the room spun round .
4 I tried to eavesdrop but the door was too thick .
5 I tried to argue that the Criterion had neglected to pay enough attention to certain lines of contemporary thought , above all that represented by Collingwood .
6 One of the most important changes I expect to see after the revolution is in the situation of children .
7 There are a number of forensic tests to be carried out but I expect to find that the razor was the weapon . ’
8 I want to repeat that the line was faint but it was definately Dr Kemp on the phone and that what I wrote was as near as anyone could get to what he said .
9 I want to consider whether the way in which environmental impact assessments are drawn up at the moment is satisfactory .
10 I want to indicate that the decision to get involved in a dilemma is the real decision .
11 I want to suggest that the idea of imaginary time is something that we will also have to come to accept .
12 I want to ensure that the system works properly and effectively , but I assure Opposition Members that , if they persuade and encourage welfare rights organisations to make speculative claims , they are not helping those who are in real need .
13 I want to know whether the legend thereon was printed , or machine-embroidered ; whether the label itself was stitched into the pants , or appliquéd in some fashion ; whether the label indicates an element of design , or whether the information it retails relates purely to the material constitution of the aforementioned pants .
14 Having replied Yes with much confidence in his initial request I did not think I could take two steps to the rear , so I hastened to add that the job would take me some considerable time as ti would be my spare-time/spare-time job , consoled myself with the thought that it was the first time that I had made anything to be used in a church , so it would be a challenge .
15 I came to realize that the twilight world actually existed unseen , but in parallel , with everyone else 's world .
16 By doing so , I hope to show that the dialogue between believers and non-believers in God can proceed only on the basis of certain common assumptions .
17 I hope to show that the incompetence that is most difficult to correct is tightly coupled with skilfulness .
18 I hope to show that the phenomenon of recursive syntax may bear on the intentional ingredient in human communication .
19 I begin to believe that the House will clap itself to death one day .
20 I happen to know that the Director of Social Work , and another of the senior social workers here , have moved here very recently .
21 I happen to think that the prosecution here and the investigating team have done the very best of jobs in the right spirit and in the fairest frame of mind — of that I am totally convinced .
22 I forgot to say that the guerrilla who was pretending to be a madman had let Sis .
23 Sorry , I forgot to mention that the fax and collect method works for tickets , mine was waitning for me last night .
24 I hasten to say that the organisation was a Labour party branch .
25 There have been a number of business failures over the past , very difficult , few months , but I hasten to add that the level of new business start-ups remains resilient and robust .
26 I hasten to add that the North West , Yorkshire and Southern Divisions have notified me of their annual events and members will be most welcome on these occasions as well .
27 It was about three weeks later when I happened to notice that the pupil of this eye had dilated to such an extent that it was now noticeable to everyone .
28 I began to imagine that the landlord , being about to emigrate , might murder us to get our money … ’ and claims that Johnson had entertained the same fears , although Johnson never mentions such thoughts .
29 The current was starting to tip the canoe over and I began to panic as the boat was filling up rapidly and I tried my best to bail it out with my hands but had little success .
30 The request that you have done me the honour to make , to receive the record of my voice , is one that I cheerfully comply with so far as lies in my power ; though I lament to say that the voice which I transmit to you is only the relic of an organ the employment of which has been overstrained .
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